The city of Lynn is resorting to eminent domain proceedings in order to secure five tracts of land along the Lynway as a first giant step in bringing development to one of the city’s vast, underutilized stretches of prime land, according to a host of Lynn officials including City Council President Timothy Phelan, Lynn Economic Development and Industrial Corporation Executive Director James Cowdell and James Marsh, director of the city’s Department of Community Development.
The move coincides with the recent final approvals received from the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities which is allowing for the city to move the above ground gridwork of high power electrical lines.
The two moves are coincident, according to Lynn city officials.
Council President Phelan told Cowdell that the council will move for the eminent domain proceedings now that the time has passed to appeal the DPW decision to relocate the electrical lines.
The council is expected to announce such a measure at Tuesday night’s meeting, according to Phelan.
“This is high on my agenda of things to do in the coming year. The sooner we act, the sooner new development can change the face of an entire section of the Lynn waterfront. It is a fabulous opportunity,” said Phelan.
With the electric lines relocated, there is the chance the city can develop dozens of acres of empty and underutilized space located mainly off the Lynnway just after coming over the General Edwards Bridge and spanning all the way to the water heading north and east.
According to Phelan, he is going to ask Cowdell to begin eminent domain actions against five properties: Deans Foods, Electrical Mutual, Donald Algeni, Car Realty and South Harbor.
“This will be a major step in correcting decisions made previously making much of this valuable land unusable for development because of the power lines,” said Phelan.