She defied the odds. She defied gravity. She took on a force when she announced she was running on stickers for mayor against Edward ‘Chip’ Clancy.
When all was said and done in November, she had knocked Clancy out of the box in one of the most stunning local political victories against all odds in this city’s history.
Although she won by only 30 votes out of more than 16,000 cast, beating the incumbent Clancy was momentous for Flanagan-Kennedy.
Her political victory against all odds set her apart this year.
Her sticker victory in the primary was the stuff of miracles and legend combined.
She scored more than 3,200 votes in the hotly contested primary – an astounding number, really – a number that signalled the beginning of the end for Clancy.
Flanagan-Kennedy’s political heroics made her an easy choice for the Journal’s Woman of the Year Award.
Our congratulations.
We wish the mayor-elect the best in the year to come.