Categories: News

Ban pit bulls

Now that yet another resident of the this city has been mauled by a pit bull, I wonder, what purpose exactly do pit bull terriers serve for the owners?

More importantly, what service do they serve for us, the residents of his city?

The answer in both cases is nothing.

Pit bulls by their nature are ferocious animals.

They are attack dogs – and they often attack.

They love violence and mayhem.

They enjoy mauling people they do not know.

They are strong, so strong, that when attacking police, the police tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

They do no-one any good and wherever they live, there is the potential for disaster.

Such was the case last week when a pit bull tried to maul a 76 year old Eastern Avenue resident.

In fact, the pit bull did maul her, and in such a way, that she was taken to the hospital bleeding profusely and was stitched up by doctors.

The pit-bull was put down, as it should have been.

In fact, it should have been put down before it had the chance to maul the 76 year old Eastern Avenue woman.

By our count, this is the 12th incidence of pit bull mauling of a local person in the past three years. This is just a guess approximation.

Pit bulls living in this city have mauled grandmothers, children, infants, men and women, just about anyone they feel like mauling.

How many innocent residents must be mauled by pit bulls in this city before they are outlawed?

Of course, I’ve been told by pet lovers and those who claim to know that pit-bulls are loving animals, that most pit bulls are gentle by nature and that they would never hurt a soul.


I don’t buy into that, and those mauled by pit bulls in this city certainly won’t buy into it, either.

In this city where so much of what we do is regulated by rules and regulations, perhaps it would be a good idea to out-law pit bulls for the public good.

How many more maulings of innocents by pit bulls are necessary before the city does the right thing to protect its residents?

Journal Staff:

View Comments (417)

    • Indeed - I guess the little girl dying in a hospital right now because the family's French Mastiff attacked her and ripped her entire jaw literally off her face simply does not count because it is not a pit bull. I guess the German Shepherd who grabbed his owner's son by the head and began biting him (for the SECOND time) does not count either - even though the boy is now currently in a hospital also fighting for his life.

      Dogs bite, it is because they are animals, the common link between dog attacks are poor breeding, a lack of simple responsibility on the owners part, and a lack of supervision.

  • By Journal staff? I thought newspaper staff had to be able to read and write. Surely this article was actually dictated by an illiterate troglodyte and merely written down by staff. I can't believe that anyone so ignorant as to come up with drivel like this can actually write.

    Massachusetts has a reputation as a liberal state, but this is the kind of bigoted thinking that once led people to lynch blacks. Shame on you.

  • Dear "Journal Staff" (no courage to sign your name?)

    Have you every owned a pit bull....have you actually ever MET one or spent any time with the breed of dog you so malign?

    Do you make the same discriminatory and stereotypical comments about entire races of people that you so quickly make about an entire breed of dog?

    I'm not exactly sure why society at large is presented with your uneducated OPINIONS which have no basis in fact or experience. How about some research...say... a shelter worker? the Humane Society (HSUS)? the American Veterinarian Association? How about getting the facts from an EXPERT on this matter, or would that be too much to ask from a 'journalist'? If you bothered to do some research you would hear educated and experienced opinions that differ completely with the ignorant drivel you espouse'. It is no wonder that 'rags' like the 'Lynn Journal' are now all but extinct and journalists (many of which have been responsible through misreporting and disinformation of pitbulls) are losing jobs by the droves. Why? Because NO ONE cares about your OPINION any more... this is just one example of why.

  • Hey, journalists....you who have only experience with 'easy' animals, if any at all....stop it. Just stop it. You don't know dogs, you don't know animals, and you're just making a mess of things and spreading lies. You want the facts, go talk to groomers, vets, vet techs, trainers...PEOPLE WHO KNOW ANIMALS.

    Because you DON'T.

    People without that experience shouldn't be talking about things they don't know, and certainly shouldn't be making laws about them either.

    You don't know about the popularity issues with breeds, you don't know the breed you're bashing, you don't know prey drives, or terrier instincts, or problems with irresponsible owners....nope, none of that. Do your research.

    It's a sad day when the media is spewing opinions in the form of so called facts. Walter Cronkite would be ashamed.

  • I'm totally blown away by your ignorance of the breed. I've had American Pit Bull Terriers in my life for over a decade, both as an owner & a volunteer for rescue. Pit Bulls are not any of the horrible stereotypes you've written. Did you know Petey from the Little Rascals was a Pit Bull ? That Helen Keller had a Pit Bull ? That Sgt. Stubby, the most decorated war dog in history was a Pit Bull. That Popsicle, a border patrol drug dog that holds the record in finding narcotics is a Pit Bull ? Before you go spouting off with all these statements you should really do a little research. From the very origin of the breed Pit Bulls were specifically bred to be human friendly. They had to be because the dogfighters would often have to get into the pit with them & literally put their hands into a fighting dog's mouth if they had gotten a tooth hooked on their lip, etc. Pit Bulls had the nickname of nannydog because they are so good with children & incredibly tolerant of rough play. Anytime the media hears the words " Pit Bull attack" it's like blood in the water to a shark. Where are the screaming headlines when another breed of dog mauls someone ? It happens all the time. The responsibilty for all these incidents rests on the shoulders of an irresponsible human.

    • Did you know that Helen Keller had a Boston terrier, and never had a pit bull? Did you ever watch that documentary where one dog fighter excoriates a competitor's dogs as man biters? Did you know that real world dog fighters with winning dogs will not throw away titles and winnings because of this fault? Did you know the pit bulls you call the "Nanny Dogs" kill more children than all other breeds combined?

      I'm totally blown away by your ignorance of the breed. Stop reciting what the pit bull breeders want you to say and drill all the way down to reality.

      • Pit Buster have you ever actually seen a Boston Terrier ? What "real world" of dogfighters are you talking about ? The hoodrats & wannabes out there today ? That's hardly the real world of dogfighting. I'm not promoting dogfighting in any way, shape or form but if you do even a speck of research you'll find that dogmen culled human aggressive dogs. It's a fact that dogfighters used to wash each others dogs before a fight to make sure nothing poisonous had been put on any dog to cheat. I've personally had severly wounded Pit Bulls in my home that have been rescued. I've cleaned their cuts & bites & the entire time, even in great pain the tails wag & they lick your hands. I'm speaking from years of hands on experience not from drinking the koolaid that narrow minded breed bigots spew.

        • Thank you- the only dogs I have had and will continue to have are American Staffordshire Terriers (pitties). They have been rescues, from unimaginable circumstances, and have been the absolute sweetest, affectionate, well-behaved dogs. My pitbull/bullmastiff mix will automatically lay down and watch another dog or child walk by her because I have taken the time to train her. I have a three year old child, and although I never leave her alone with the dog (good rule with ANY breed), I have never had another pet that I trusted more with my child, and my other pets as well. Bad dog behavior usually boils down to bad dog ownership.

        • I own a Pit. She came to me at over 1.5 years old and had severe ear infection and wounds from scratching her ears obsessively. I have had to do daily cleanings, nail filings and medication administration. Even the first day, when she barely knew me, she licked my hands and allowed me to treat her even though it caused her obvious pain. She is smart, affectionate, great with my kids, cat and other dog and she loves like nothing I have ever seen.

          I bought a book and did other reaearch on the breed and you are absolutely correct! It was very common for breeders of fighting dogs and even pet dogs to cull the ones that showed any signs of human aggression.

        • Culling is a myth. They sell those to the unsuspecting public. Try to think about this, why would they destroy something that they have spent money on? Take it to the local Walmart and sell it to some family. And you need to look again because Keller's dog was a Boston Terrier. http://www.pitattacksbystate.blogspot.com

          • I'll get my glasses as soon as you get off the dog fighting and breeders forum and stop spewing their propaganda. Deal?

          • Well, you better run & get them fast because I've never been on any dogfighter or breeder forums. I've been rescuing American Pit Bull Terriers for over 10 years. I don't swallow anybody's koolaid. I know what I live. I have a 13 year old APBT that has been my own personal dog since he was rescued 11 years ago. I also have foster APBT's in my home. Get it ? I live it. I don't read propaganda & spew it like you & your ilk that blindly follow dogsbite.morons. It's a really nice day where I am today, think I'll take the dogs out for some frisbee. Why don't you get out of your Mom's basement & get some air. Might clear your head a little.

          • Saw the picture...definitely NOT a Boston Terrier. That IS a pit bull on Helen Keller's lap.
            Education is essential. We need to promote responsible ownership (spay/neuter, socialize, obey leash laws.) An entire breed should not be made to pay the price for a few irresponsible owners. IGNORANCE breeds HATE. Do the research and do your part to be a good owner...regardless of the breed.
            Also, many people mistake other breeds for pit bulls. I have had several people take the following test and very seldom do they pick the pit bull out. http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/findpit...
            Let's place the blame where it belongs...there are no bad dogs, only bad owners.

          • The fact remains that a dog becomes what its owner makes it. There are rare exceptions where there's really something wrong with the dog that no training can fix. We had neighbors who had a black Lab, & that dog wasn't quite right from the beginning. They worked with him, & he was pretty much OK, but after a meter reader sprayed the fenced-in dog with mace (the jerk was walking outside the fence), the dog went off the deep end, biting several people before finally being put down. This can happen with ANY breed. Keeping a dog chained, not spaying/neutering, not properly socializing the dog, & not understanding your own limitations in handling the dog are the main factors in a dog's behavior.

            Also, please remember that once 1 breed is banned, the criminal element will choose another breed. This has happened with German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers, & now Pits. How many breeds are you willing to ban? What happens when they come after YOUR dog? Breed bans do nothing but penalize the good dogs & their owners; the criminal element & bad owners will just hide their dogs (or, as mentioned, find another "bad" breed of dog for their image). Are we to become a society that only allows poodles?

            It's almost ALWAYS the owner!

          • PitVitcim you need to not write anything else. You have NO idea what you are talking about. Do research from both sides all you are doing is quoting other ignorant people. If you want to sound credible know what you are talking about.

          • http://www.pitattacksbystate.blogspot.com I went to this site and saw this ( Amanda Wallace, who also lives nearby, said.Wallace claims the family's white pit bull also has too much freedom."It's chased my little girl, which is 17 months old and we take of three other girls that are three, five, and six, and we can't even go out there, because every time we go out there, the dog wants to run up in the yard and growl at them)

            Now my confusion is hw PITBULL(who u think is dangerous)can chase 17 months old girl???? This whole story is fabricated. First 17 month old girl can hardly run. Second she in no means can out run a PITBULL.

      • Are you kidding me. You think it's Pit bull Breeders we are getting our information from. By the way Helen Keller had many dogs. We fight to stop dog fighting breeders, backyard breeders and any irresponsible dog owners. It is just to easy for people like you to blame a breed.

        • Sure do think that you are drinking the koolaid of pit bull breeders and pit bull fighters (dogmen) without a doubt.

          • You are a moron. Sorry if you had a bad experience with someone's dog. But just like your name says, you will be a victim forever until you empower yourself with some knowledge. I was once attacked by a poodle. Maybe I should call myself PoodleVictim and fear them forever? And clearly- you survived. So stop living in fear and learn something.

          • ok whoever you are, you are obviously the dumbest person any of us have ever met. You have the name pit victim.... were you molested by them licking you or was it the fact they just didnt like you cause they could tell you were absolutly ignorant? Either way no one cares.

      • I once had a pitbull when i livedin florida, and she had gotten out of the house by accident.. There was a little girl playing in her fron yard across the street. I watched in horror as my dog charged towards the girl, thinking the worst. And it did happen.. Betsy, my dear pitbull, saw a canebrake rattlesnake just feet behind the girl and visciously attacked the snake before it could bite the girl. Unfortunately, Betsy was bitten in her struggle to save the little girl and did not live to see another week.
        Here's to Betsy, my brave heroic Pitbull. RIP.

      • do u have proof of that pitbulls kill more children than all other breeds combine, it seems everyone who was defending pitbulls have numbers, solid facts to back up their side of the story, you on the other hand blurt out a very general description with no evidence to back it up

      • I'm totally blown away by your ignorance of the breed!!!!! Stop Reciting what the media wants you to say!!!!!! You must like the taste of your shoes, do some research!!!

        • The UK is all messed up from that FUBARd DDA of '91. Sure, 4 fighting breeds are banned. So why are the FAMILY dogs attacking and mauling over in the UK?

      • wow, I'm from Alabama. Helen Keller's home state. Growing up we learned a great deal about the woman. And could it be possible that in here life she owned more than one dog? Do me a favor you dumb@$$, go to Goolge, search in pictures for Helen Keller photos with her dog. If you can't find multiple pictures of her with her pit bull either your computer is broken, or you are truly as ignorant as you sound.

    • WOW. Okay let's ALL read this article again and replace a couple of words. Let's replace the word "pit bull" and put in words like "unemployed young men" or a "race of people" or a "type of minority" that is commonly sterotyped.

      Let's hang EVERYONE for what a "few" do.

      Firstly the term "pit bull" is used to describe 3 to 4 different breeds of dogs and their mixes. Then these dogs are commonly misidentified (especially by the press looking to sensationize) as EXPERTS with atest with 23 other totally different registered breeds of dogs let alone all THEIR mixes. SO the "Journal Staff" is really making a PUBLIC CRY for what could closely amount to CANINE GENOCIDE.

      What this staff is saying that it does NOT MATTER that MOST people, who own short haired medium sized dogs, are RESPONSIBLE dog owners it matters ONLY that this staff want to KILL and BAN all dogs that LOOK a certain way with NO regard to ownership, training, socialization, disposition or individual temperament. Again WOW! Let's blame dogs and not owners who don't insure their dogs are properly socialized and if not, than at the very least, properly contained?

      WAIT, I have an idea! Let's BAN Media that thinks only "certain dog attacks" are worthy of print. The Journal Staff should goggle "Is the media biased-pit bulls". See how a dog on dog attack by a pit bull is "worthy" of hitting 230 national and international articles while a young child who lose his ear and a baby being killed by "other" breeds are barely worth a article in their local paper and read that THIS IS NOT UNCOMMON.

      This paper could have done a few things. It could have researched the American Medical Veterinary Association for the task force they put together so public safety would be enhanced. The task force article called "A Community Approach to Dog Bite Prevention" would actually ENLIGHTEN the public and inform them.

      NA professionally researched articles based on expert advise to INFORM doesn't SELL papers. I hope the people of Lyn protest the type of "journalism" it seems that usally receive. No wonder Ignorance and Bigoty seems still to be the norm.

  • You know what's sad? That people who have no experience with anything but their own nose are actually going to believe what you say. Why? because you pass yourself off as a journalist. I suppose that since you have done so much research and actually went and spent time with the specific breed you hate so much you are an expert? oh wait, you haven't. Please do the research and get the facts before you spout off about what you know nothing about. Just a thought.

  • check your research, this is a load of absolute crap. Pitbulls, BY NATURE, are not ferocious animals. In fact, in the annual temperament study done by NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED dog associations that actually know what they are talking about they rank more friendly then the common beagles, labs, and goldens. get your facts straight you ignorant piece of crap journalist

    • I can't believe how stupid you are! Please elaborate about these temperament studies done by "nationally recognized" dog associations? The fact is, you're yet another pit spamming jerk off lacking enough brains for a headache.

      Since I've perused the pit spammer BS more than once, I'll take you right where you tried to go...

      There is one organization and it is called ATTS.org. (American Temperament Test Society) They test a variety of features of temperament and the test is biased towards bold, even aggressive temperaments. They exist to combat breed specific legislation. A dog may fail because it is shy about walking on an unfamiliar surface, or because it doesn't recover from a gunshot fired in proximity. In one portion of the test, a dog is EXPECTED TO RESPOND AGGRESSIVELY towards an agitating subject. Not responding aggressively maybe faulted. And finally, dogs are not even judged according to one standard for all dogs, but by a BREED STANDARD! What they report is a pass/fail rate for different breeds, which has no way of measuring one breed against another, because, and I repeat, dogs are not judged by one standard! The pass/fail rate is utterly meaningless and unsuitable for any comparison.

      The fact that you reflexively regurgitate this crap only proves your worth as a useful idiot for the pit propagandists. Go ahead and open your mouth again. I bet you only switch feet, moron.

      • Responding "aggressively" to an agitating stranger is characterized as barking and showing wariness of them. You make it sound like in order to pass the ATTS test a dog must maul someone - I can tell you if a dog ever bit the agitating subject, they would fail the test. This is a simple test of proper response to a potentially dangerous person - any breed of dog should respond with a guarding reaction over their owner when an aggressive agitating stranger approaches. The only time it is acceptable for a dog to act as if they would bite the stranger (lunging, etc) is if the dog is Sch. trained (personal protection training - something most common with German Shepherds) and that is because Sch. training directly teaches a dog to grab an aggressive stranger.

        Self Protective/Aggressive Behavior
        Objective: These tests collectively evaluate the dog's capacity to recognize an unusual situation, its threshold to provocation, its protective instincts, and its propensity to realize when the situation becomes a threat.
        Subtest 8: Non-Threatening
        The handler/dog team stops at the designated marker. A weirdly-dressed stranger crosses the path 38 feet in front of the team.
        The purpose of this subtest is to test the dog's alertness to an unusual situation.

        Subtest 9: Threatening
        The weird stranger advances 10 feet towards the stationary handler in a threatening manner.
        The purpose of this subtest is to evaluate the dog's ability to recognize when an unusual situation turns into a provocation.

        Subtest 10: Aggression
        The weird stranger advances to within 18 feet of the stationary handler in an aggressive manner.
        The purpose of this subtest is to evaluate the dog's protective instincts.

        The stranger is never closer than 10 feet from the dog. The handler's 2 foot arm and the 6' lead is added in for a total of 18 feet. Aggression here is checked against the breed standard and the dog's training. A schutzhund trained dog lunging at the stranger is allowed, but if an untrained Siberian husky does the same, it may fail.

        • Did anyone mention that breeds are only compared with their own breed, not against other breeds. The ATTS was never designed to test a dog for suitability as a pet but as a working dog such as a police K-9. Actually the ATTS is nothing more than more propaganda about pits. And by the way, the vast majority of breeds taking the test are shepherds because they are the breed of choice for police work, etc.

          • actually Malinois' are. And you're probably mixed up with Schutuzhound training

      • Pit Buster, I could out debate you with half my brain tied behind my back because I deal in facts not sensationalism. Talk about reflexively regurgitating crap. You are the poster child for that.

      • Dear Dogsbite Member Posting as a Person;

        If you LOOK at the ATT organization they test ALL kinds of dogs for educational purposes. Unlike the organization YOU belong to (and don't deny it) that believes ANY person who does not believe in your demented agenda of BSL is either a thug, a criminal, a dog fighter or a breeder. The fact is that discrimination and pofiling based on looks AND stereotyping is ignorant, bigoted and just plain WRONG. YOU are the one with an AGENDA and I am sure if people go over YOUR posts, THAT will be made perfectly clear.

  • There is no logic in banning any breed of dog, or race of person. If such is the case, then lets put all white males ages 18-35 in prison because the majority of cannibalistic serial killing child rapers are in that group. So lets do what the pro dog banners want to do, and "make sure none of them can do any harm" and put them all away, or just straight out kill them.

    What do these racist idiots have to say about this? How many people have to die because some teenie bobber's on their cell and mangles or kills an entire family?

    The number 1 one killer of teenagers is car crashes

    Around 6,000 teenage drivers are killed in auto accidents each year.

    Teen Drivers ages 16 to 19 have death rates four times that of a driver age 25-29 years of age.

    NEW TEEN CAR ACCIDENT DATA: Complied 2005, 2007 posted

    • Automobile accidents are the top killer among teenagers
    • Drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 cause over $40 billion in damages per the NHSTA
    • In 2005, 23% of teenagers killed were under the influence of drugs or alcohol
    • You’re more likely to get in an accident at 16 than at any other age
    • Accident rates for 16 to 19 year olds is higher at those ages than any other group
    • Teens are 3 times more likely to get in an accident after 9:00pm daily
    • Teens are more likely to be part of an accident when they have passengers than without
    • Males between 16 and 19 are 1.5 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than females within the same age group.
    • Teens have the lowest use of seatbelt rate

    The racism of dogs and pandering to the minority of idiots that couldn't find their behinds with both hands is the reasoning behind BSL.

    I have trained dogs and been around wolves for over 20 years and can tell you that anyone that thinks banning a breed and not putting the blame on the HUMAN is brainless.

    Make it a class A felony for fighting ANY dog...and if your dog mauls someone, treat it as assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, murder, or whatever the result of the injury is.

    • Typical of those who follow the dogmen and breeders to try to take the focus off the issue. We are talking about how many people pits kill not teens.

      • Typical of a Pit Haters, putting the focus on how many attacks are by pit bulls. You have it wrong again. The topic is BAN PIT BULLS? Even your queen, BitbyPit stated in her OWN words, the pit bull ban does NOT stop dog attacks. Only Pit Bulls.
        BSL does not work, dog attacks still happen.
        I'll ask you again....

        If a Pit Bull ban WAS in effect, will it stop the dog attacks? NO
        What then? Do you stop your quest to kill all pit bulls? Do all of your hate sites shut down?
        Will you go onto the next 'vicious' breed and wipe them out? Rottweilers? GSDs? Akita's? LABs???
        Where will it stop?

  • LET'S STO CANINE RACIAL PROFILING!! Did you know that there is NO such breed as "pit bull"? There is no breed of dog that is recognized, or registered as "pit bull". The term used to mean any dog whose owner used it for pit fighting. It has become corrupted into an umbrella for banning numerous pure-bred registered breeds of dogs, and any mixed breed that even remotely resembles them. The American Kennel Club recognizes a breed known as the American Staffordshire Terrier and the United Kennel Club recognizes a breed known as the American Pit Bull Terrier. Neither of these breeds was EVER bred or intended to attack humans. They were used in pit fights against bulls in the 1800s and any dog that bit a handler would have been put down immediately. A dog that bit a human was not considered reliable enough for the pit. This attack training is something that has only come about in the past few decades and is done by bad owners NOT bad dogs. As it now stands there are at least seventy-five recognized breeds of pure-bred dogs that are prohibited from ownership, or restricted from ownership, and any mixed breed of dog that looks like a banned breed of dogs is fair game under these regulatory takings of privately owned animals. That is fully 1/5 all recognized breeds. The United States of America is on the fast track to taking away our most ancient property, animals, and the destruction of one of our most ancient occupations, that of animal husbandry. When I was a child growing up every dog attack was attributed to a German Shepherd. In fact there were more dog bites from Labrador Retrievers last year than from "pit bulls" because there are far more Labs than the "alleged pit bulls". Blaming an entire breed for the stupidity and greed of a few human beings is nothing more than discrimination. Many law makers are not animal oriented. Passing or proposing any legislation aimed at specific breeds of canines is very much like human racial profiling. Our laws should identify illegal activities and define the penalties associated with breaches of the law. Domesticated canines are considered personal property and present problems in society only when owned or tossed out by irresponsible people. Our laws should address irresponsible canine ownership and should never refer to specific breeds. Breed specific legislation is an intolerable form of discrimination that has many undesirable far reaching consequences, including economic ones. Breed specific legislation is expensive and difficult to enforce. It impacts people who both live in and visit jurisdictions (ie., tourists); impacts vets, breeders, dog food manufacturers, and, in many cases, canine divisions of various law enforcement agencies. To make matters worse, canine racial profiling (breed specific legislation) is a total waste of time and money, as it will NOT turn irresponsible dog owners into responsible dog owners. Irresponsible canine ownership can only be prevented by addressing the problem directly: define the problem, define the penalty or penalties, and ENFORCE the laws. Most urban jurisdictions have laws on the books now that, if enforced, would eliminate most dog aggression disasters. The dog, regardless of breed, is in violation of leash laws if running loose and the owner should be penalized - end of story. The problem is at the other end of the leash and any laws should be addressed to that end.
    Here is a link to a site with an identify the "pitbull" game - 90% of people INCLUDING dog professionals cannot identify the pitbull

    • "To make matters worse, canine racial profiling..."

      No decent person would compare race to breed. Human genetics are random; dog breeding is specific for heritable traits substantially beyond appearance. Breed is not race - race is not breed, ever. It is disrespectful, indecent and ignorant to attempt to elevate or equivocate for the selfish purpose of evoking emotional fulcrums that do not apply. Shame on you for diminishing the struggles of minorities with such an inappropriate juxtaposition. Shame on you.

      • Shame on you for being so rude to me. Shame on you for not seeing the use of a metaphor against those who want to wipe out an entire breed of dogs based on the greed and selfishness of people. I am not diminishing the struggles of the black race. I don't believe in "black history" because it is MY history too. Know who you are talking to before you start berating someone.

        Elizabeth Brinkley,
        MFA in Theatre - VCU 2002

        • Am I supposed to be impressed by your "credentials"? Are you acting like a pit nutter or just stupid enough to be one?

          • Do you see your hypocrisy???

            you complain about how no one leaves their information so you can check up on it and when they do, you STILL throw insults at them.
            Just like craven talking about the 2 pit owners that lost their dog, they put up fliers trying to find it, even put up an award for the whearabouts and when a car pulled up saying, I have your dog, they get into the car and almost got mugged.
            All of the comments on that story are all, "how stupid do you have to be to own a pit bull"
            so here you have owners trying to find their dog, you say, "irresponsible" then when they almost get mugged, you say, "stupid idiots"

          • PitVictim- It sounds to me just by your name that you or someone you loved was attacked by a pitbull. Did you research that pitbulls life? Did you see if he/she was abused,chained up, left by him/herself for hours on end. Do you even realize that pitbulls were the dogs in WWI and they were called hero's? The first dog ever to win a purple heart in combat was a pitbull.This dog was with the american military but her also went on to win the Republic of France Grande War Medal and was even invited to the White house to meet the then president Woodrow Wilson. After retiring from the military this dog was the mascot for the University of Geargetown's football team. Before pitbulls were used by idiots as fighting dogs they were seen as a family dog. Helen Keller described her pitbull as her best companion dog. During WWII the US Postal Service created a stamp picturing Helen Keller and her pitbull Phiz. Helen Keller was not the only famous person in history to have a pitbull. Some of the others were Laura Ingalls Wilder, Thomas Edison, Fred Astaire, John Steinbeck, Humphrey Bogart, Barbara Eden, and Mary Tyler Moore. Just to name a few. Many men who went off to war during WWI left their wifes and children with pitbulls to keep their family safe because of intimidating look. Petey in the Little Rascals was a pitbull, Buster Brown shoe companies owner had a pitbull, there have been pitbulls in the White house as well, and the main dog that the dog whisper used to help rehabilitate aggressive dogs was a pitbull. That was the dog that Ceasar trusted the best!! May he RIP!! (We love you Daddy!!).
            I myself have a pitbull mix and she is nine years of age. She is the first pitbull I have ever had but out of all the three dogs I have had before her in my life she has never bit or tried to bite anyone. Two of the others did bite. None of them pitbulls. One was a shitzu and it would follow me aroung the house when I was three biting my anckles and not letting go. He did not last long in my house. The other dog a was a Shepard beagle mix who was upset that I was leaving and I tried to get him down stairs and he bit me.
            My mothers parents occasionally breeded Toy Fox Terriers. They always would bite. Sometimes they would grab on to your hand so tight and not let go!! Some dogs a more nippy than others but the only reason pitbulls have a bad rap is because idiot's use them (i.e. Micheal Vick) to fight because they are strong and loyal they follow all comands easy and are very easy to train. Some pitbulls just get bad owners. The only thing my pitbull is guilty of is licking people to dealth, especially her family and little kids. She is very loving and was even right by my side when I was very sick! I would never ever exchange her for any other dog in the world!! So just get your head out of its hole and do proper research. Not just research at the sites that dislike the breed. Plus the person who wrote this artlce didn't do any research at all and really needs to gets a life just like you. I am sorry if you of someone you love got bit by a pitbull but it was probably the owner not the breed!!

            P.S. All info came from the spring 2010 issue of The American Dog

  • hopefully after one mauls you. you have no clue about pit bulls, try owning one. They are not the only dogs that mauls people. My brother-in-laws face was damn near ripped off his head by a sharpay, you want to ban and kill them next

    • I'm sorry to hear what happened to your brother-in law. I had a SharPei, my daughter grew up with it. It was the best kid dog ever. A neighbor child took hold of her tail like a handle to try and get her to sit and broke it and the dog just yelped and walked away. Point being, dogs are individual and there is a variety of temperaments in any breed. Anything with teeth can bite and it is up to responsible owners to see that that doesn't happen.

      • exactly dogs are individuals, so don't blame attacks on one specific breed. my kids could take a raw steak out o my pits mouth, and they have, and he just walks away. It's all in how they are trained and treated, Just like a child. I just wished you could meet my Reese, he. has changed the minds of many people already and I'm sure he'd change yours too.


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