It was a fine day for the Lynn/Nahant Beach Reservation as the governor cut the ribbon with members of the Ward Family celebrating the opening of the Ward Bath House.
In modern times, no governor has done more for the beach through his designees than Governor Deval Patrick.
No DCR Commissioner – and in this case, no succession of MDC commissioners ever did as much for the beach as DCR Commissioner Rick Sullivan has done during the past three years.
His performance as a manger as mentor as a caring administration head is completely over the top – but even his accomplishments would not have occurred if it weren’t for Energy and Environmental Secretary Ian Bowles – whose imprimatur is on everything that Sullivan has accomplished.
The governor, his department head and his cabinet secretary are a fabulous team.
And the folks working the beach – well – what is there to say about their contribution.
By nearly eliminating the odor that used to permeate the air around the beach by itself has been a major accomplishment.
The sprucing up of the beach daily and of the surrounding area and the Boverini Walkway has brought resurgent crowds to the waterfront during the summer months.
In all, these people have shown what leadership and caring are all about.
There was plenty of speech making at the ribbon-cutting event.
There were many rounds of applause.
Uniquely, they were all deserved.
We send out a special thank you to Governor Patrick, to Secretary Ian Bowles and to Rick Sullivan – and to the employees of the DCR for their outstanding performance on a beach that was abused and mismanaged that it is difficult to imagine how beautiful it now appears.
We are all proud of our beach, again.
And we are proud of our state delegation for sending out the message that there was sleeping beauty waiting to be awakened.
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