The Enforcement Division of the State Ethics Commission has charged Louis Picano, a Board of Health Inspector with the city, of violating the state’s conflict of interest law.
The Ethics Commission charged Picano that working for the city as an inspector and working as a constable in the city without disclosing that fact was a conflict of interest.
According to the Ethics Commission, between 2006 and 2009, Picano performed constable services for private property owners and managers, and charged over $50,000 in fees.
Picano was apparently advised by the Ethics Commission in 1998 that the conflict of interest law prohibited a Board of Health Inspector from also serving as an appointed constable unless the constable duties were part of the Inspector’s job and as long no additional compensation was received for performing the constable duties. Following a 2006 complaint, Picano falsely stated that he only performed constable services as part of his inspector duties, according to the Ethics Commission.
Picano has been barred by the city from performing constable tasks while a Board of Health Inspector. The Ethics Commission will schedule a public hearing on this matter within 90 days.