Categories: Editorials

The Silent Killer

With the heating season upon us, now is the time for residents to check their homes to make sure that they have carbon monoxide alarms and that they are in operation.  A winter season does not pass without some home heating-related tragedies,  with people dying from carbon monoxide poisoning.

What brings this to the forefront is that just on Saturday, eight people were sent to the hospital as a result of being exposed to carbon monoxide at a spa right in the Back Bay.

Our homes have become energy efficient with homeowners making sure that cold wintry drafts cannot get in, but this means that the air in a home is trapped.  Usually, this is a positive, except when a case such as what happened on Saturday occurs. The homes in our neighborhood are cheek-by-jowl, and in many cases multiple family.  This could be a tragedy ready to happen unless we take some simple precautions.

We urge that if your home does not have a carbon monoxide alarm, that you purchase one and if you do have one then make sure that it is operational. Better to safe than sorry!

Journal Staff:
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