Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy and mayoral aide Mary Chalmers Fountain attended the campaign kickoff event for School Committee member Charlie Gallo.
School Committee member Charlie Gallo announced his candidacy for re-election at a fundraiser Feb. 7 at Hibernian Hall.
A large crowd of supporters attended the reception. Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy joined other city officials at the event. State Rep. Robert Fennell also stopped by to wish Gallo good luck in his re-election bid.
Following are Mr. Gallo’s remarks at the campaign kickoff reception:
Good evening everyone. I’d like to take a few moments to say three things tonight.
First, is to say thank you to my family members and friends for their continued support, and to each of you who came out tonight.
Second, is to announce my candidacy for a second term on the Lynn School Committee.
Third, is to tell you why I am running. Its because I want to be able to continue working hard for our students and our schools. Here is what we are working on:
Working on youth engagement, because we have a great history in Lynn and we want our young people to take pride in the city and build its future. So with Councilor Brendan Crighton, we established the Lynn Youth Council. Now, young people have a voice in the community and a stake in its future.
Working on grant funding to bring more resources to Lynn students and schools. Within the existing grants department budget, we will contact with a professional to seek out private donations as a creative way to improve our schools; a way that does so without burdening the taxpayer.
Working on career development programs for high school students.
Working on student safety programs for elementary school students and parents in partnership with the Lynn Police and Fire Departments.
Working on partnerships with businesses and non-profits to provide more opportunities to Lynn students. Our community is a great resource; So lets utilize it for the kids.
Working on the Lynn Community Enrichment Program, offering educational and recreational courses at Tech at night for Lynners of all ages, along with my colleague John Ford, Councilor Pete Capano, the New Lynn Coalition, and Superintendent Latham. We’ve worked so that you can go to Tech at night and learn Spanish or English or gain computer skills or just play volleyball.
Working on making sure that the new Marshall is a safe building, a quality building, and is built in the right place. So along with Councilor Dan Cahill, we knocked neighborhood doors and really got community input.
Working on Educator appreciation along with my colleague, because our educators, ought to be thanked.
Working on openness, honesty, and accessibility, by making Lynn School Committee meetings made available online, returning phone calls, replying to emails, and regularly visiting the schools.
And it has been with your support that I am able to do this work. I ask for your continued support, and I respectfully ask for your vote. Thank you.