North Shore Community College will relocate its Corporate Training and Community Education division from the Cummings Center in Beverly to its Danvers campus in January 2016.
The division will be housed in the Math and Science Building, which is easily accessible directly off major highways and offers plenty of parking. The move will include general operations offices, noncredit workforce programs including Aesthetics, Adult Basic Education, Health Certificates (CNA, Phlebotomy, Pharmacy Assistant, Dental Assisting and others), computer certifications and community programs including Kids to College. The Adult Learning Center already relocated to the same location this fall.
The relocation is, in part, a response to state workforce education goals. The move will enhance the college’s ability to build clear, strategic career pathways that include creating bridges from noncredit to credit education, and accelerating career training to jobs.
NSCC’s President Patricia A. Gentile said, “The move will benefit students by offering enhanced access to college resources, such as the library, cafeteria, advising, tutoring, career placement, etc. The new configuration will more closely tie the college’s academic services and resources with corporate and community education and offer more of a “one-stop-shopping” environment. The excellent, high quality training and education offered by this division will remain the same.”
Student feedback to the Adult Learning Center’s move has been very positive. “Students have been very clear that they like the atmosphere the college provides, and enjoy the `college experience’, said Stacy Randall, ALC coordinator. “They enjoy being able to take advantage of all the support systems that are available to them and I am sure the community ed and corporate training clients who come to campus will feel the same way.”
Corporate clients will receive the same high level of service and quality training programs, while still being able to choose to do training at their own location or at the college.
For more information, go to or call 978-236-1200.