By Joseph Domelowicz Jr.
According to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the Lynn schools most recent MCAS results provides evidence that Lynn schools are improving.
Overall, the city’s schools continue to improve, even as the district overall continues to lag behind the state and even some other urban areal districts.
According to the report listed on the state DESE website, Lynn’s students continued to outperform their counterparts from previous years, with the district steadily showing more and more students reaching the proficient category, and fewer students falling into the Need Improvement or Warning/Failure categories. That was true for Lynn students in Grade 10 and Grade 8.
However, school’s scores still reflect a district that continues to face apparent challenges based on its demographics, language barriers and income levels.
For instance, Lynn’s 10th Grade MCAS results in English Language Arts (ELA), Math (MTH) and Science and Technology (SCI) saw more students on a percentage basis move into the proficient and advanced categories from the previous year. However, they still lagged behind the state averages in all three categories, including a 12-point deficit in ELA, a 22-point deficit in MTH and a 27-point deficit in SCI.
Overall, residents and parents can take heart that the school department is improving and beginning to approach the state averages, but there is still work to do.
Provided in the table below are Lynn’s district wide scores, as well as those of some of the other urban districts nearby and the state averages.