E for All / Epara Todos Lynn is a nonprofit organization offering a dual language business accelerator program in both English and Spanish. Through their accelerator, entrepreneurs of all stages are connected with a team of mentors, tailored curriculum, and the opportunity to win cash prizes. “Those entrepreneurs go on to create viable businesses and potentially create jobs that will in turn contribute to the economic vitality of Lynn and the North Shore” says Derek Marin, Program Manager.
E for All/Epara Todos Lynn is one of six affiliated with Lowell-based Entrepreneurship for All (E for All), which launched in the summer of 2016. “Our Spanish language program, Epara Todos, which launched this past summer, is the second accelerator program in the nation to offer a Spanish language accelerator” says Kevin Moforte, Executive Director of E for All Lynn.
“Our Lynn location was launched because E for All has a specific focus on expanding into mid-size cities that are often underserved when it comes to fostering inclusive entrepreneurship” says Moforte. “The entrepreneurs we serve come from all walks of life, represent a wide range of industries and can also be at different stages of their idea when they connect with us” adds Marin.
Both Marin and Moforte add that the biggest misconception about E for All is that it costs money to participate in their program. “Thanks to generous donors like Tom Demakes from Old Neighborhood Foods and William Mosakowski from Public Consulting Group, we are able to offer our program entirely for free” says Moforte.
Since joining the Lynn Area Chamber, E for All has been able to better understand the small business landscape throughout Lynn. “We’ve recruited new members to pitch our contests and we’re actively recruiting members to mentor our entrepreneurs, thanks to the LACC” says Marin.
E for All / Epara Todos Lynn is now located at 319 Lynnway.
For more info, visit E for All online – English: eforall.org, Spanish: eparatodos.org.