The 72nd Annual St. Patrick’s Irish Night Dinner celebration emceed by William McDonald gave the audience many humorous moments. This was a time when everyone became Irish and enjoyed being together at this festive event.
John Olson followed the footsteps of his grandfather and uncle to become the 2019 Irish Man of the Year. In 1978 Dr. Leo McGuinness, one of the original founders of this organization in 1947, and his uncle, 2016 Irish Man of the Year, Richard McGuinness, was honored by the Friendly Knights of St. Patrick’s. As John said, “I am so much honored, since my grandfather and my uncle were recipients, and this is great moment to share some family history together. The Friendly Knights is a great organization that gives back to the City of Lynn and how they recognize award winners for their interest in civic commitments. My family members and I are so overwhelmed upon receiving this award”.
Tony Nicosia, Sr. became the 2019 Randazzo-Solimine Community Service Award recipient for his numerous charitable contributions to the Greater Lynn community. As Tony Nicoisia who was a teammate with Tony Conigliaro at St. Mary’s and Post 6 stated, “I am elated to have this award bestowed upon me. Many outstanding recipients throughout the years received this recognition for their community interest. I feel connected to this award because years ago I met Don Randazzo at the YMCA and played on his softball team that he sponsored. I also met Dave Solimine at the Knights of Columbus. Having these two names on this award makes me feel so proud and the strong connection to this great city. The city has so many great people doing great things”. This annual event is a benefit toward the Scholarship Fund. So much is put into the Friendly Knights events each year. The next fundraiser will be the Half-way to St. Patrick’s Day in September.