The Lynn Classical High School Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 18 at the Nahant Country Club. The event will begin with a 6-7 p.m. social hour followed by dinner and the induction.
The following are the 2019 Inductees into the Classical High School Hall of Fame:
Alvin Abreau
Dennis Baldini
Meryl Brown
Joseph Cawlina
Michael Cawlina
Gene Constantino
Brendan Crighton
Mark Cullinan
Afton Dean
Matthew Durgin
William Frost
Christina MihosGranese
James Guy, Jr.
Richard Maag
Brian Maes
James Rooney
Tickets will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $45.00 and may be purchased at Lynn Classical High School (781-477-7404), Christine Pisanelli. Please make checks payable to LCHS Alumni Association.