By Thomas Grillo
Lynn’s first-responders were among the highest paid employees on the city’s payroll last year, comprising 83 of the Top 100 salaries, according to the Comptroller’s office.
A public records request revealed the highest paid person in 2019 was not the mayor, who ranked 80th. Instead, it was Superintendent of Schools Patrick Tutwiler, whose earnings totaled $235,386.
The Chicago native, who served as deputy superintendent for three years before his promotion in 2018, oversees a school district with 15,751 students and 1,833 teachers. While 63 percent of the students are Latino, they do not see themselves reflected in the faculty, according to data from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Less than 8 percent of teachers are Latino, while 87 percent are white, the state reported.
In an effort to boost increase minority representation among staff, Tutwiler hired Glenda Colon as principal of the Connery Elementary School last year. At the time, he said she’s the first Latino woman to hold that position in any of the city’s 26 schools.
The most recent MCAS scores revealed the number of students who met or exceeded expectations was well below the state average in every grade and subject area. In Grade 10, a 23 percent of students failed English, three times the state average, while 19 percent did not meet expectations in math, twice the state average.
In his evaluation by the School Committee last year, Tutwiler’s grades were mixed. The board said while his performance was “proficient,” the panel and parents have been critical of the district’s work with special education and limited English speaking students.
The second highest pay earner was Police Captain Mark O’Toole at $208,385. That figure reflects overtime as the department struggled to meet staffing needs. Police Chief Michael Mageary came in third with an annual salary of $205,337.
Rounding out the top five arePolice Officer Edward Tansey who was paid $202,490, which included 1,446 hours of overtime, and Capt. Michael Vail who earned $199,253. That figure reflects overtime
Here’s the ranking:
6. Deputy Police Chief Edward Blake, $194,035
7. Police Lt. Christopher Kelly, $189,789
8. Police Lt. Richard Donnelly, $188,615
9. Inspectional Services Director Michael Donovan, $187,764
10. Fire Chief Stephen Archer, $187,158
11. Police Sgt. Timothy Hallisey, $184,071
12. Police Sgt. Thomas Holland, $183,382
13. Police Capt. Lucas Dean, $183,329
14. Police Officer Eng Chhor, $183,121
15. Police Capt. Christopher Reddy, $181,987
16. Deputy School Superintendent Kimberlee Powers, $180,777
17. Police Officer Paul Holey, $180,409
18. Police Sgt. Donald Kasle, $180,139
19. Deputy School Superintendent Debra Ruggiero, $178,583
20. Police Lt. Lawrence Wentzel, $176,799
21. Police Officer Paul Wonoski, $175,046
22. Police Sgt. Henry Wojewodzic, $175,046
23. Police Officer Titou Kim, $173,195
24. Police Officer David Woumn, $171,564
25. District Fire Chief Daniel Lozzi, $169,992
26. School Business Administrator Kevin McHugh, $169,757
27. Police Officer Learlean Clements, $169,377
28. Police Lt. David Brown, $167,879
29. District Fire Chief Roger Alley, $167,169
30. Deputy Fire Chief Arthur Richard, $166.278
31. District Fire Chief Michael McBride, $166,222
32. Police Lt. Glenn Dunnigan, $166,222
33. Police Officer Peter Alexander, $166,084
34. Police Lt. Vernon Coleman, $164,785
35. Police Lt. Thomas Reddy, $164,649
36. EDIC Director James Cowdell, $163,369
37. Police Lt. Robert Godbout, $163,127
38. District Fire Chief Timothy Collier, $163,102
39. Chief Financial Officer Michael Bertino, $162,854
40. Police Officer Ezequiel Ortiz, $162,576
41. Police Sgt. Robert Avery, $162,278
42. Police Capt. James Flynn, $160,875
43. Former School Superintendent Catherine Latham, $160,712
44. District Fire Chief Daniel Sullivan, $159,547
45. Police Lt. William Sharpe, $158,756
46. Police Officer Joseph Ricupero, $158,517
47. Police Officer Christopher Hagerty, $158,500
48. Fire Capt. Robert Alcock, $158,470
49. Police Sgt. Donald Gates, $157,216
50. Police Officer John Mackin, $157,036
51. Police Officer Ross Panacopoulos, $156,908
52. Police Sgt. Paul Cotter, $156,100
53. Deputy Police Chief Leonard Desmarais, $155,801
54. Police Sgt. Timothy Magner, $155,061
55. Fire Capt. Kevin Cronin, $154,210
56. Police Officer Richard Fucci, $153,263
57. Retired Police Officer John Meaney, $152,980
58. DPW Commissioner Andrew Hall, $152,914
59. Police Officer Jeffrey Trahant, $152,474
60. Police Sgt. Patrick McGuire, $151,814
61. Police Lt. Richard Carrow, $149,929
62. Police Sgt. John Geary, $149,856
63. Police Officer David Harney, $149,817
64. Fire Capt. Joseph Zukas, $149,575
65. Police Lt. Michael Kmiec, $148,954
66. Police Lt. John Scannell, $148,712
67. Police Sgt. Michael Kelter, $148,447
68. Police Officer John Bernard, $148,445
69. City Clerk Janet Rowe, $148,080
70. Asst. Superintendent of Streets George Potter, $147,990
71. Police Officer David Hunter, $147,836
72. Police Officer Gary Hagerty, $147,760
73. Fire Lt. Richard Rackett, $147,030
74. Police Officer Seylawon Thach, $146,738
75. Fire Capt./ Paramedic Michael Noon, $146,278
76. Police Officer Michael Hanlon, $145,935
77. Curriculum Executive Director Eva O’Malley, $145,529
78. Police Officer Devon Dupuis, $145,277
79. Fire Capt. Edward Miles, $145,111
80. Mayor Thomas McGee, $145,000
81. Police Officer David Hines, $143,899
82. Principal Maura Durgin-Scully, $142,931
83. Fire Capt. John Thorpe, $141,837
84. Police Officer Pablo Figueroa, $141,471
85. Principal Thomas Strangie, $140,982
86. Police Sgt. Timothy Donovan, $139,853
87. Police Officer Michael Gorman, $139,583
88. Police Officer Oscar Flores, $138,191
89. Police Sgt. Edward Shinnick, $138,174
90. Retired Police Officer Peter Holey, $137,144
91. Fire Capt. Robert McIntosh, $137,003
92. Principal Carissa Karakaedos, $136,773.
93. Police Officer Nhen Tran, $136,683
94. Police Officer Giovanni Lopes, $136,607
95. Police Officer John White, $136,499
96. Police Officer Timothy Nerich, $136,305
97. Special Ed. Executive Director Phylitia Jamerson, $136,121
98. Police Lt. Marie Hanlon, $135,999
99. Police Officer Cynthia Green, $135,816
100. Police Officer Michael Eddows, $135,444