East Boston Savings Bank Chairman and CEO Richard Gavegnano said each relationship the bank has with employees, customers, and the communities the bank serves matters to him greatly.
So as the public health concern surrounding COVID-19 grows the bank has been keeping its staff and customers informed on the precautionary steps EBSB has been taking.
“We are working hard to do everything we can to be prepared and the safety of our employees and customers is the most important thing,” said Gavegnano. “We are providing gloves, masks, sanitizer, and practicing social distancing. Any employee feeling they cannot work due to any medical issues or family needs can work from home and we are paying all these employees.”
To protect both staff and customers, Gavegnano said EBSB branches with drive thru service are open and branches that don’t are open by appointment.
“We have the branches staffed to handle all regular business,” said Gavegnano. “If any branch has no drive thru they can call and get in to see the manager but for safety of our staff and customers only one person is let into the branch at a time.”
Gavegnano said the bank is also monitoring all its employees for signs or symptoms of illness and has a constant open line of communications with branch staff.
“We are also responding to the needs of the communities we serve,” he said. “We are taking deposits, opening checking accounts and processing loans. We have a long rich history of surviving many significant world events starting with the Civil War, WW1, the Great depression and WWII. We will emerge as a stronger bank and continue being a provider of banking needs of Boston citizens.”
According to Gavegnano EBSB’s responsive steps have included:
• Preventive programs in place to reduce the likelihood that our operations would be significantly affected by the COVID-19, including:
• Educating employees
• Monitoring of potential outbreaks
• Communicating and coordinating with critical service providers and suppliers
• Providing appropriate hygiene training and tools to employees
• The bank will continue to monitor our employee population and take appropriate action to reduce exposure to other colleagues and customers if an employee is exhibiting flu like symptoms. As always, the bank has instructed all colleagues exhibiting any signs of illness to stay home.
• Have asked cleaning companies to be even more vigilant in disinfecting frequently touched areas. In addition, the bank has made hand sanitizer available for use at all locations.
• The bank has implemented internal “social distancing” techniques to minimize the typical face-to-face contact by utilizing teleconference calls, video conferencing, and flexible workspaces. In addition, the bank asks all of its customers to help maintain a handshake-free zone at all EBSB locations.