The Zonta Club of Chelsea & North Shore is pleased to announce the installation of their new slate of officers for the next two years. Our second virtual membership meeting was held on May 21 as we all met on “Zoom”. The new officers are President- Janice Tatarka, Vice President Mary Jane O’Neill, President, 2nd Vice President-Theresa DiPetro, Treasurer -Elizabeth Fama, Recording Secretary -Bonnie Fishman, Corresponding secretary – Christine Deprizio, and Board of Director members, Joan Lanzillo-Hahesy, Sheila Arsenault and Diane Cambria. The Zonta Club of Chelsea & North Shore has completed another year of service to our communities and the world. We are honored to be able to continue the great work we do in our cities and towns and look forward to the year ahead. We hope you will think about joining us in our mission to support women and girls through service and advocacy. Please call us at 617-874-0271 Mary Jane O’Neill or email us at [email protected] and check out our website, We really need your help to continue our wonderful work. Our meetings are held the third Thursday of the month.