Three prominent Asian-Americans stand against Asian hate crimes. Each of these men holds a significant role in society, especially in Lynn. State Representative Donald Wong, representing West Lynn, was the first to open the door for Asian-Americans to run for office in Lynn. Councilor-at-Large Hong Net followed Wong’s leadership as he won a seat on the city council.
Another Asian-American Coco Alinsug who has always stood for fairness and equity is s a candidate for Ward 3. These three individuals are bringing the banner of awareness for all Asian- Americans and for minorities to stop hate crimes against them and everyone else.
No one should be discriminated against as Representative Wong said, “There should not be any hate crimes anywhere. We bring today this message of awareness.”
Candidate for Ward 3 Coco Alinsug explains, “We need representation. If you live in a very diverse city like Lynn, everyone needs to be represented as much as possible and have an opportunity to progress.”
Coco continued to comment on the support he has received from Donald and Hong. “If it was not for them, I doubt I would run for political office. They encouraged me. Now I have the chance to give back to the city” said Coco.
All three, Wong, Net, and Alinsug, continue to work with many organizations and groups for a better city. They are open-minded, talented, and use good judgment. They are proud of their cultural roots and proud of being American citizens.