Seeking a fifth term as Councilor-at-Large, Brian LaPierre looks forward to making more improvements in the City of Lynn. He has continuously been very accessible and responsive to constituents.
Brian said, “As City Councilors, we have achieved much, by increasing city services, while holding the line on property taxes. We have experienced new revenue growth with the approval of a city meals tax and licensed eight new cannabis dispensaries across the city.” Brian and the Council have made a long-term investment for senior citizens with a city owned and operated Lynn Senior Center.
Other important initiatives Brian and his fellow Councilors worked on together included having clean parks and playgrounds, a safer city, new surfaces for Manning and Fraser Fields. He and the Council carefully watched funds received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) that lighten housing costs for citizens and supported a new Inclusionary Zone on long-term development investments.
Brian is excited about having new commercial and residential projects constructed and with the transformation of the Thurgood Marshall Middle School into affordable senior housing. He is also watchful about the Pickering Middle School project.
“I would like to see these new projects occur during my fifth term in office,” as Brian expressed. He then added, “I am proud and honored to continue to serve the city that I grew up, live in, raise my family in, and work closely with the Mayor and his Administration to take our great city to new heights.”
Brian looks forward to his reelection campaign; he will be continually active, visible, and wants to meet Lynn citizens. He has a proven record representing the City of Lynn as Councilor-at-Large.