Category: Editorials

Lynn Cam

Once again, we want to compliment the directors and producers of the programming on Lynn Cam for outstanding work in the interest of the community at large. During a recent viewing of Lynn Cam, we watched with awe, a Girls,…

The Patriots

Those of you who thought the Patriots dynasty was done – take another look. Sunday’s victory over Baltimore showed a rejuvenated and very, very tough defense, and shades of greatness in Tom Brady, who finally shot a touchdown pass to…

The primary results

Lynn voters should be ashamed of themselves, considering only 14 percent of 41,000 registered voters came out to cast a ballot last week. This vote proves that people were largely disinterested in the primary. It also showed that Lynn voters…

Primary Day

Primary Day is here. Lynn residents wanting to have a say in how this city is run need to get out and vote. If you are a voter, call three or four voters you know and make sure they go…

Labor Day 2009

Labor Day has come and gone, finishing off the half-summer during this, the fall of our discontent. The government estimates that 14 million Americans are out of work. The unemployment rate is 9.7 percent and rising, although the numbers of…