The Lynn City Council unanimously approved a petition to allow the East Lynn Pop Warner to host a Carnival at Keaney Park July 24-27, as a fund raiser to support the youth football program.
However, the vote was not without controversy as one resident, Tony Hill of Memorial Park Drive, rose in opposition to the proposed carnival.
“Nothing against East Lynn Pop Warner,” Hill told the Council. “Just tired of having the kid urinating in the bushes and leaving bottles on the field. . .we definitely deal with impacts from the programs in the park and I don’t see why they can’t use some of the other fields in the city.”
Despite Hill’s objections, Ward 2 Councilor William Trahant noted that the event would support a worthwhile organization, with a long history of helping Lynn kids.
“(Football) Equipment is expensive, and when those kids travel, as they did last year to compete in Florida, it is expensive,” noted Trahant. “East Lynn Pop Warner helps to keep kids out of trouble, it’s a positive thing for the city”
Trahant also noted that the city spent $675,000 to improve Keaney Park just four years ago and noted that police details would be used throughout the Carnival to help with neighborhood concerns.
Bill Cushing, the vice president of East Lynn Pop Warner and Larry Cushing (no relation to Bill) of Cushing Amusements were also on hand to speak in support of the request and answer questions, but the council voted in favor of the petition without asking the pair any questions.
The carnival will be held from Thursday, July 24 through Sunday, July 27, with hours from 6 to 10 p.m. on the July 24 and 25, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on July 26 and 27, according to the request.
Larry Cushing did say after the hearing that the Saturday hours were supposed to be from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. and that a change in hours will likely be filed with the Council, prior to the opening of the event.