Michael Marks, Superintendent of the Essex County Sheriff’s Department’s Middleton Facility, has earned the prestigious endorsement of the Massachusetts Police Association (MPA). In a letter of support, MPA’s Vice President Alan N. Andrews wrote to Mike, “It is clear that you have the experience and commitment to maintain the integrity and professionalism of the Essex County Sheriff’s Department.”
The MPA proudly represents law enforcement professionals throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has over 21,000 members. Their support clearly demonstrates that Mike is indeed the most qualified person to be the next Sheriff of Essex County.
In accepting the backing of the MPA, Mike said, “I am honored to receive the endorsement of such a well-respected organization. The members of the Massachusetts Police Association are men and women of integrity who proudly serve the Commonwealth.”
Mike recently explained his relationship with Essex County Police Departments, stating, “Police officers are on the front lines of law enforcement. Day in and day out, they arrest people who are dangerous to the 750,000 citizens of Essex County. It is our job at the Sheriff’s Department to then safely and securely house these individuals, whether they are awaiting trial or have been sentenced. I am proud that each of the police departments in the 34 cities and towns in the county entrust their arrestees to the custody of me and my staff.”
With 28 years of correctional experience, including 13 years as Superintendent, Mike is ready, willing and extremely able to assume the position of Sheriff. When recently asked how important experience is in the job of Sheriff, Mike made it very clear: “The position of Sheriff is not a ‘learn on the job’ proposition. The Sheriff oversees approximately 2,000 people in custody, 600 employees, three major correctional facilities, three Offices of Community Corrections and several administrative offices. The new Sheriff must hit the ground running on day one.”
Known as a hands-on, no-nonsense leader, Mike’s vision, focus on inmate reintegration, ability to integrate technology and willingness to build constructive relationships would, no doubt serve him well in the role of Sheriff. This endorsement exemplifies the mutual respect which exists between the men and women who make up the membership of the MPA and the proud men and women of the Essex County Sheriff’s Department. Mike has been honored to lead the Essex County team as Superintendent and would be proud to support this great partnership as Sheriff.