By Cary Shuman
GLSS employee Brenda White has been a loyal customer of Brothers Deli in Lynn for 25 years, and she and her husband, Dr. Matthew Mallen, have gotten to know owner George Markos very well while enjoying their many meals there.
White was sure happy to see George Markos on Sunday, Dec. 17, while she was walking her dog, Griffin, a Labrador mix, on Revere Beach Boulevard and another larger dog, a Doberman Pinscher, approached with bad intentions on its mind.
White picks up the story from here.
“I ride a tricycle with my one-year-old puppy and I have two leashes and the dog runs right next to me,” said White. “On this walk, a Doberman Pinscher approached and began to aggressively go after my dog. I began frantically waving at cars, and no one would stop.”
Except for George Markos, who jumped out of his truck, sprung into action and quickly separated the two dogs, preventing injury to either animal.
“When I saw it was George, I said to him, ‘Oh my gosh, of course you stopped, because you’re such a great guy,’’’ said White. “Thank goodness for him. George just really saved the day.”
White was so grateful to Markos that she arrived at his restaurant with a gift of appreciation for intervening in the canine incident.
Markos said he was traveling through Revere on that Sunday morning to get to the Restaurant Depot for some supplies.
“It was about 9:30 a.m. and I was driving on Revere Beach, where I really like the scenery,” recalled Markos. “Out of the side of my right eye, I saw two dogs fighting and a women in between the dogs who was waving and looking for help.”
Markos said he sensed White was in trouble, “so I ran over and there was a Doberman Pinscher trying to attack Brenda’s dog.
“To be honest, I was a little scared about the situation. But when I saw something was wrong, you have to do something. I’m just glad to get in the middle and prevent these two dogs from fighting,” he said.
White asked Markos to put a leash on the Doberman Pinscher and Markos then called the State Police. A state trooper arrived on the scene and put the Doberman in to the State Police vehicle.
Markos said he didn’t recognize White until well in to his intervention in the incident. “I was shocked because I didn’t recognize Brenda. I was just concentrating on separating the two dogs,” he said.
Asked if he considers himself a hero for his instantaneous response and decisive action at what could been a serious incident, Markos said, “You just have to stop in a situation like that and do the best you can to help out,” said Markos. “I was so happy that it was Brenda, but I would do the same for anyone in a time of need. People have to pay attention and have to look out for each other.”