A very important educational program in the City of Lynn, and other cities within the Commonwealth that have an increasing immigrant population, provides assistance to develop educational skills for employment. Since the Massachusetts economy is growing, employers are looking for more people to hire. As CEO of Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) Jerry Rubin said, “One of the limits is English language skills. This program offers adult classes that open up opportunities for jobs through improved English job skills. This program connects students with good employers”.
Mayor Thomas McGee said, “With a 34 percent foreign born population in Lynn, people are constantly looking for English classes, and most importantly, jobs. These are challenging members of our community; they can’t access the opportunity available in Lynn, because of a lack of English skills which presents a big challenge for them. JVS is skilled in this area, and we are working with them to continue this program in Lynn.”
Classes have been running for over one year in Lynn with the theme to learn more to earn more. The JVS has many programs to train individuals on English and on other different job skills, so they can succeed. JVS has been teaching classes for decades to immigrant parents for them to gain useful employment and encourages the adult learners to pursue a GED as well. The JVS is an educational training program for adult immigrants to find the “American Dream.”