The race for state representative in the Eleventh Essex District is the main event in the election in Lynn on Tuesday, Sept. 4.
Three well-known candidates, Ward 6 Councilor Peter Capano, Councilor-at-Large Hong Net, and Lynn Museum Director Drew Russo are vying in the Democratic primary for the seat that was held by State Sen. Brendan Cahill. There are no Republican candidates for the seat.
“The race for the 11th District seat has certainly created attention, especially in Wards 4, 5, 6, and 7,” said City Clerk and Elections Chief Janet L. Rowe. “This is a hot contest. All three candidates have done their best getting the word out to vote. Because there are no Republicans running in the primary, every candidate has been ‘all in.’”
Rowe is predicting a 17 percent turnout among Lynn’s 53,031 registered voters.
The other races on the ballot are for the positions of U.S. Senator, Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Representative in Congress, Governor’s Councilor, State Senator, State Rep. (4 Separate Districts in Lynn), District Attorney, Clerk of Courts, and Register of Deeds.
Rowe said the polls will be open in Lynn at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.