The Lynn Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a Transportation Breakfast Forum on March 12 at 8 a.m. at the YMCA Lynn, 20 Neptune Boulevard. Mayor Thomas McGee and Sen. Brendan Crighton will be attending the forum. There will be…
Month: February 2019
End of Year Real Estate Prices Are Up
According to figures from the Massachusetts Association of Realtors, Lynn’s year-end median sale prices were up for single-family homes and condominiums. Median single-family sales were up 6.2 percent from $329,559 in 2017 to $350,000 in 1918. In median sales price…
Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7.74 M in Anti-gang Funding
Gov. Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor KarynPolito and Secretary of Public Safety and Thomas Turco announced the release of $7.74 million in competitive Senator Charles E. Shannon Jr., Community Safety Initiative (Shannon CSI) Grant Program funds to communities and local partners…
Katie Burt Will Coach Baseball in Lynn Babe Ruth Program
Katie is coming home. In a week when she practiced with the NHL’s Nashville Predators and did very well against the slapshots from P.K. Subban and company, Katie Burt had a big announcement for Lynn baseball players: she will be…
Green New Deal Is a Good Deal
The growing movement for the federal government to take the lead in effecting policies that will negate the effects of both economic inequality and climate change has been incorporated into what is being referred to as the Green New Deal.…
Job Fair For Encore
One of the largest job fairs for a single company will be happening over the next few months and local residents are encouraged to apply for a position. Encore, Boston Harbor, is seeking to hire 5,000 people to staff the…
Mayor Mcgee Delivers State of the City Address
Mayor Thomas M. McGee already made history before he took the podium for his state of the city address. According to Council President Darren Cyr, “This is the first time in the history of the city that the mayor has…
Board Seeks to Ban the Bags
The Board of Health is expected to take up the issue of banning plastic bags at its Feb. 12 meeting at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. Many neighboring communities and across the Commonwealth have banned plastic bags. In these communities,…
City Hall Hosts Traveling Exhibit on Frederick Douglass
In honor of Black History Month the City Hall foyer is playing host to a traveling exhibit on Frederick Douglass, a well-known abolitionist and one time Lynn resident. With the help of Lynn Tech film students installing the exhibit, the…
Her Blades Are Sharp at 79, Her School Is Even Sharper
Chances are that if you were a kid taking skating lessons in the Greater Boston area during the past 50 years, you most likely took your lessons through the Bay State Skating School. It’s likely too that owner Rosemary Hanley…