The continued response to COVID-19 has compelled the Lynn Democratic City Committee to cancel its annual, in-person cookout held at the Lynn Museum. Instead, the LDCC will host a virtual gathering via the Zoom platform. “United We Win: The LDCC Cook-IN”, a virtual event where attendees will hear from Democratic candidates running in September’s primary, our local Democratic officials, and entertainment from Democratic friends in our community will be held on Monday, July 20th from 7-9PM.
“Though current circumstances prevent us from being together in person this year, we hope that this virtual event will be the kickoff to a strong, coordinated effort that will lead to the election of Vice President Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States this November, as well as victories in the US Senate, US House, and our state legislature.” said Lynn Democratic City Committee chair Agnes Ricko.
Senator Ed Markey and Congressman Joe Kennedy, both running for the US Senate, have confirmed that they’ll be participating, as will Congressman Seth Moulton, Jamie Zahlaway Belsito, and Angus McQuilken running in the Sixth Congressional District, and Governor’s Councilor Terry Kennedy and Helina Fontes running in the Sixth Governor’s Council District.
Senator Brendan Crighton, Representatives Lori Ehrlich, Dan Cahill, and Peter Capano, Register of Deeds John O’Brien, Essex County Sheriff Kevin Coppinger, and Register of Probate Pamela Casey O’Brien have also confirmed that they will be joining the July 20th event. The program will also include a keynote address from Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards focused on how Democrats respond to and combat racial and social injustice.
Councilor Edwards is a member of the Democratic State Committee from the First Suffolk and Middlesex District and was first elected to the Boston City Council representing East Boston and Charlestown in 2017. The committee is very pleased that LDCC Outreach Co-Chair Julio Bare, Carolyn Cole, Sunil Gulab, Ana Masacote, and Ebony White will be sharing music, dance, and poetry promoting justice throughout the event.
All interested Democrats and friends are invited to join, and if so inclined, are asked to consider a donation to My Brother’s Table as we have done in past years. Contributions can be made online or via US Mail. If mailed, please make the check payable to “My Brother’s Table” and send to Gerry McCaul, LDCC Treasurer, 723 Boston St, Lynn, MA 01905. If online, please note “LDCC” in the additional comments box. You can RSVP to Agnes Ricko by calling 781- 599-9347 or by visiting the “United We Win: Lynn Democratic City Committee Cook-IN” Facebook page.