The seniors to whom Muriel Clement has given so much turned out for the Love Inspired Senior Enrichment Program (LISEP) Summer Party Saturday at the program’s new home at the Demakes Family YMCA of Lynn.
Muriel was everywhere in the new meeting room, helping to serving the seniors a delicious buffet meal, going table to table accepting the well-wishes of her friends, and delivering the welcoming remarks and farewell address.
Muriel Clement announced that will be moving to Florida at the end of the month, completing 41 years of residence in Lynn.
“I’ll be on the plane on June 30 and I’ll be starting my new life in Florida,” said Clement.
Clement grew up on the beautiful Caribbean island of Barbados and moved to Lynn in 1980. She worked for 18 years at Greater Lynn Senior Services (GLSS), starting as a case manager and then becoming the leader of the wellness programs.
Clement started LISEP as a way of keeping a helpful connection with seniors on nights and weekends.
“I started this program so that we could connect with the seniors and they could connect with each other and to let the seniors know what services are available to them and if there were any concerns that needed to be brought to GLSS’ attention,” said Clement. “So this program turned out to be a wonderful opportunity for seniors not to fall through the cracks. We’ve had some great speakers to talk about issues that concern seniors such as estate planning and caregiving.”
LISEP started at Bethlehem Temple Pentecostal Church, Lynn, and then expanded into the community at-large. “The First Church of Swampscott has been our last champion for this program,” said Clement. “Every year they have hosted our annual MLK Brunch and many of the luncheons. The parishioners of that church all came and volunteered and helped make it happen. They’ve been incredibly supported through the years.”
The Lynn Community Health Center and Old Tyme Italian Cuisine Restaurant have also been outstanding supporters of the program, according to Clement. Old Tyme has been the annual host of the group’s Valentine’s Day Party.
Stacy Bryant-Brown, a friend, said she met Clement at her daughter’s graduation party.
“We’ve been friends ever since,” said Bryant-Brown. “She’s a great friend and I will definitely stay in touch when she’s in Florida.”
The Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton, one of Clement’s spiritual leaders at Zion Baptist Church, said that Clement has been a great supporter of the church and the Lynn community, “one of her sisters in the journey.”
“Muriel has been a member of Zion Baptist Church for over 40 years and raised her sons there,” said the Rev. Berry-Burton. “She is the visionary and the founder of the Love Inspired Senior Enrichment Program, a once-a-month program that offers seniors a great opportunity to get out and be active in the community.”
Drew Sidell, aquatics director at the Demakes Family YMCA, said the YMCA is working on a partnership with LISEP to keep the program active.
“[YMCA Senior Executive Director] Andrea Baez has volunteered to take over the program,” said Sidell. “Muriel’s legacy will be continuing on and we’re looking forward to our partnership with the seniors so we can have outreach into their community and really make an impact. Andrea will do a great job.”
Everyone in attendance at the Summer Party agreed that the Love Inspired Senior Enrichment Program was aptly named because Muriel Clement’s love and advocacy for seniors has truly inspired and enriched them.
“I’m going to miss this group and all the fun we had to together,” said Clement.