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Lynn Looking Cleaner and Cleaner

With the success of the Bigbelly trash barrels that have been placed in parks throughout Lynn,  the City is planning to install additional barrels and, as part of that program, is again seeking vibrant and fun artwork submissions from Lynn students and residents.

The City is seeking 11 submissions for display on barrels being placed in both City lots and parks. Additionally, the contest is being opened up to residents of all ages. Those interested in submitting artwork are encouraged to visit lynnma.gov.

“We are thrilled with the success of this program and the fact that our students get to participate is a bonus,” Mayor Nicholson said. “They are learning at an early age the importance of a greener and cleaner city.” Last spring, the artwork of 21 students were selected for displayed on the Bigbelly barrels located at parks throughout the City. Each student was recognized by Mayor Jared C. Nicholson and the City Council for their artistic talent and their contributions to the City’s efforts to become a cleaner and greener community

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