Category: Editorials

October 7, One Year Later

The barbaric attack a year ago this week by the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist group shocked and horrified the world. The brutal slaughter, rape, and torture of 1250 men, women, children, and elderly Israeli citizens, plus another 300 who were taken…

We Need to Ban Styrofoam

While on the subject of harmful chemicals and substances in our environment, we’d like to take the opportunity to commend the efforts of Revere City Councilor Joanne McKenna for ensuring that the city’s ordinance banning the use of single-use styrofoam…

Remembering 9/11

For anyone who is old enough to remember September 11, 2001, all of us know exactly where we were and what we were doing when we heard the terrible news. For this generation of Americans, that day was as memorable as was the…

Thank you, Attorney General Campbell

We’d like to express our congratulations, and thanks, to Mass. Attorney General Andrea Campbell for her efforts in securing the recent landmark $600 million settlement with the major tobacco product companies. In addition to the $600 payment this year, the…

A Great Summer for the Garden

Thanks to our mild winter, this past spring season was the most glorious in many years in our area. The early profusion of daffodils and tulips was followed by a gorgeous display of flowering crabapple trees, magnolias, and dogwoods, as…