Officer Michael Kelter, Officer Ralph Sirois, Sgt. Rick Carrow, Officer Shawn Hogan, Officer Max Saravia, and Sgt. Michael Kenny.
On Saturday, October 15, 2011, the Lynn Police Relief Association hosted the 130th Annual Lynn Policeman’s Ball at Angelica’s in Middleton. Several awards were given to Officers for their professional and commendable efforts throughout the year.
Officer Paul Wonoski was honored as the recipient of the 2011 Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor is bestowed by the Lynn Police Relief Association on the one officer who has shown unyielding commitment and contribution to the department and the community. The award has been given annually since 1963: the officers who receive this award embody the ideals of honesty, integrity, and service to the community.
Officer Paul Wonoski is a thirteen year veteran of the Lynn Police Department, having started his career in 1999. Officer Wonoski has been recognized numerous times for his dedication and service. He is a member of the Lynn Police Special Response Team and is a department firearms instructor as well as a member of the Honor Guard. Officer Wonoski was recognized by the International Chiefs of Police for his initiative and identifying a wanted and dangerous felon after a domestic violence incident. Officer Wonoski received the award amongst his peers, friends and family members.
The Relief Association also distinguished four Officers with the Medal of Valor. Sgt. Michael Kenny received his award for his actions leading two fellow Officers to safety during a working fire on Hamilton Street. Officer Patrick Mcguire was the recipient for his courageous efforts during an unprovoked attack in City Hall Square. Officer Max Saravia was recognized for his actions on Wayne Avenue where officers were fired upon. Officer Saravia returned fire causing the suspect to retreat into the house and the suspect was subsequently arrested. Officer Daniel Landry was awarded for his actions when a man wielding a knife and a gun attacked him along with another Officer.
There were twenty-six Officers who received commendations for their acts of bravery and outstanding efforts. These acts included life saving CPR, civilian rescue from a burning building, arrest made involving an armed felon, and other acts of bravery.
The Lynn Police Relief Association also recognized civilians for their acts of bravery and worthy of praise. Off duty Beverly Police Officer Edward Goodell was recognized for his efforts chasing down a burglar leading to his arrest. Richard Weir and James Hart were working for Verizon in City Hall Square when Officer Mcguire was attacked. These two men acted selflessly putting their own lives in danger to assist the Lynn Police Officer against a deranged attacker. James Donovan and James Levie were recognized for their assistance to an 89 year old victim who was knocked to the ground and had her purse robbed. These men assisted the victim and chased down the suspect and who was subsequently arrested because of their efforts.