The Kiosk for Living Well and Healthy Living Programs sponsored by Greater Lynn Senior Services offer free workshops throughout the year to help people improve their quality of life, health, and well-being. Registrations are being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis for a number of workshops beginning in late summer and fall.
Beginning on August 24, The Healthy Hearts program, part of The Kiosk for Living Well, will be offering a workshop entitled “Esta Su Corazón Saludable?,” the Spanish language version of “Is Your Heart Healthy?” The program will be held at GLSS, 8 Silsbee Street, Lynn, and will meet on Wednesdays through September 28 from 10:00–11:30 a.m. To register, call Yasmel Ramirez (781-477-6712) or Johanna Rojas (781-477-6722). An English language version is also offered several times per year.
GLSS is also accepting reservations for a number of free healthy living workshops beginning in the fall as outlined below.
“My Life, My Health”—a self-management workshop for people living with one or more chronic conditions—will begin September 7 and is being sponsored by Solimine Funeral Homes. This program is proven to help adults of all ages lead more active, fulfilling lives by teaching practical strategies and skills that can help you feel better and improve your quality of life. The program will meet on Wednesdays through October 12 from 2:00–4:30 p.m. at Solimine Family Community Center, 583 Chestnut Street, #6, in Lynn. Contact Kelsey Spotts (781-586-8530 or [email protected]) for more information or to register.
Healthy Eating for Successful Living in Older Adults will begin on Thursday, September 22, and meet at the First Lutheran Church, 280 Broadway, Lynn. This workshop, which is offered in partnership with the Healthy Living Center of Excellence and the Harvard Pilgrim Foundation, can help you make healthier food and meal choices. It will meet on Thursdays through October 27 from 1:00–3:30 p.m. Contact Kelsey Spotts (781-586-8530) for more information or to register.
Several workshops for people with concerns about falling will be held beginning in September. These workshops, called “A Matter of Balance,” emphasize practical strategies to manage falls and are proven to help older adults gain confidence; improve balance, strength, and flexibility; and increase activity. Two workshops—one led in English and one led in Spanish—will be held in partnership with the Lynn Community Health Center, 269 Union Street, Lynn, beginning September 13 and meeting on Tuesdays through November 1 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. To register for the English language workshops, contact Kelsey Spotts (781-586-8530 or [email protected]). To register for the Spanish language workshop, contact Eunice Lopez at Lynn Community Health Center (781-691-9434 or [email protected]). A class is also forming at the Lynnfield Council on Aging, 525 Salem Street, Lynnfield, beginning September 21 and meeting on Wednesdays through November 9 from 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Contact Kelsey Spotts (781-586-8530 or [email protected]) for more information or to register.