Firefighters Local 739
Local 739 President Matt Reddy said “We are proud to endorse Jared Nicholson for Mayor of Lynn. We believe that Jared’s vision for the fire department’s role in the city, along with his commitment to our needs for equipment upgrades, staffing and safety, aligns with our goals as a union.”
Reddy also spoke to Nicholson’s experience, “Jared’s record on the School Committee and in the community has given our members confidence that he is the right person at the right moment for the needs of the fire department and for the needs of the city as a whole.”
Nicholson said, “Our firefighters put their lives on the line every single day, and that was especially true being on the frontlines during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. I am honored to receive their endorsement for Mayor. They will be integral to the vision of Lynn’s future that our campaign is building in which public infrastructure funds and private development benefits the whole city, including public safety upgrades and improvements.”
Carpenters Union
The North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (NASRCC) has endorsed Jared Nicholson for Mayor of Lynn on behalf of their more than 30,000 members.
Joe O’Brien, NASRCC’s Political Director, said “our members are grateful for Jared’s strong advocacy for organized labor and working families in his current role as a member of the Lynn School Committee and we believe that he will continue this work if he is elected as Mayor.”
O’Brien also mentioned NASRCC’s support of Nicholson’s platform, “we also believe in Jared’s support of responsible development in Lynn and his commitment to fight for fair wages, workplace safety, and creating pathways to good jobs through workforce training and apprenticeship programs. We appreciate his vision to help the City of Lynn grow while working to make sure that this benefits everyone in the community.”
Nicholson said, “We are so grateful for the support of NASRCC. A better Lynn that includes all of us means better jobs for Lynn residents, a goal that I know NASRCC shares. We have a real opportunity for positive growth in Lynn. NASRCC is a great addition to the broad coalition that our campaign for Mayor is putting together to help us make the most of that opportunity.”