Jake Keo, candidate for Ward 5 city councilor, is pictured outside his home following a press conference at which he announced his candidacy for the position.
Jake Keo called a press conference on May 21 to announce that he will be a candidate for the Ward 5 seat on the Lynn City Council.
Keo wrote in a letter to residents of Ward 5, “I am ready and eager to serve all the people of Ward 5. When I am your ward councilor, I will work to ensure our ward will become a place where all of us can be proud to call our home.”
Keo, 42, has his own political business cards and a suggestion box outside his home at 98 Hanover Street.
Keo immigrated from Cambodia in 1981, moved to Lynn in 1989 and graduated from Salem State University in 2003 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. He has been a retail manager for more than 10 years. He and his wife, Samnang Keo, have a 15-month-old daughter, Malena.
Keo has been involved in the Lynn Human Rights Commission and is the past president of the Asian Business Association.
“One of my main issues is commercial business development in the city of Lynn, said Keo. “In order to get business growing, we have to help Lynn businesses to succeed. We need to reduce the commercial tax rate. I will work with the city councilors to find a solution to reduce the tax rate so that businesses can grow in the city. I also feel we should have tax incentives for businesses. We need to attract more outsiders to get to know our city and enjoy what he have to offer such as the waterfront and the Lynn Auditorium.”
Other issues of concern to Keo are public safety and public health.
“In order to have the residents feel safe, we have to focus on public safety and working with the police department, fire department, and other organizations,” said Keo. “I feel that I live in a safe neighborhood but I feel we can do more to make it even safer. We also need to keep our city clean so we can attract new businesses and keep our residents healthy.”
He said he wants a bright future for his daughter and all Lynn children.
“I want my 15-month-old daughter to grow up and have an opportunity, such as education, housing, and public safety as well as for other children that are living in Lynn as well,” said Keo.
Keo will be holding a campaign kickoff reception on June 19 at Tatiana’s. He said he has been collecting nomination signatures and making campaign visits to residences in Ward 5.