Sacred Heart principal Joanne Eagan (left) watches as seventh grader Mathias Haley cuts off the hair of Sacred Heart’s librarian/Spanish teacher Jim Lavecchio during Sacred Heart School’s Read-a-Thon festivities on April 30.
Month: May 2014
Michelle Picks Cornell: English Senior Fonseca Will Study Hotel Administration
Michelle Fonseca, a senior at Lynn English High School, realized that she very much liked the hospitality industry while working at a part-time job at a nursing home. Fonseca took from that positive experience and applied to the foremost institution…
A Tribute to John Hoffman Set for June 19
John Hoffman has spent the last 30 years describing the exploits of others, so a group of his friends decided it was time to turn the tables — and the microphone — on him. The result is ‘A Tribute to…
Lynn to Boston Ferry Gets Underway Beginning May 19: Three Departures and Three Return Trips Daily for Commuters
After three, separate construction phases, $7.65 million in state, federal and local funding and several years of construction and planning, the Lynn to Boston commuter ferry will finally get underway beginning on Monday, May 19, with three total departures to…
Wounded Vet Run
Congratulations to State Rep. Carlo Basile, Andrew Biggio and all the Wounded Vet Run organizers for another job well done. As in years past the Wounded Vet Run Sunday, April 27 that brought 3,000 motorcycles through the area to raise…
Obituaries 05-06-2014
Roger LaBrie Animal lover, Red Sox fan, avid card and pool player and friend to all Roger LaBrie, of Lynn died after a long illness at the Life Care Center of the North Shore on May 2. He was 61…
St. Mary’s to Honor 14 Individuals, Three Teams with Varsity Club Induction
The inaugural St. Mary’s Varsity Club induction ceremony will take place on May 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the Tony Conigliaro Gym. The Varsity Club recognizes athletes, coaches, administrators and others who have made significant and exemplary contributions to St.…