Two groups supporting outdoor summer programming at Lynn and Nahant beaches received a combined $12,000 last weekend from Boston-based Save the Harbor/Save the Bay Better Beaches Program.
The Friends of Lynn and Nahant Beach received a $10,000 grant to support the annual Red Rock Sumer Concert Series and Friends of Heritage State Park received $2,000 for the World Music Festival. Concert dates and performers for both events will be announced shortly.
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay has been supporting programming at Boston-area beaches through the Better Beaches Program since 2006, through the financial support of The Boston Foundation.
On Saturday, June 6 Save the Harbor announced a total of $200,000 in grants to support a variety of programming on beaches from Nahant to Nantasket, and everywhere in between.
“It was a wicked winter,” noted Save the Harbor spokesman Bruce Berman. “We want to thank the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Metropolitan Beaches Commission and all our program sponsors for making this a spectacular summer for the more than 1 million people, who live just a short ride or drive from the coast.”
Senator Tom McGee said that the Metropolitan Beaches Commission, for which he is co-chair, heard from residents that they want programming at the beach.
“At hearings from Nahant to Nantasket, we heard repeatedly that modest investments in free events and programs can put these beaches to work for our communities,” noted McGee.
“The people of this region love their beaches,” added MBC Co-Chair RoseLee Vincent of Revere. “Thanks to Save the Harbor/Save the Bay for making this happen.”