The St. Mary’s High School baseball team was honored with state championship rings at halftime of the Hopedale-St. Mary’s boys basketball game Monday. In the front row, from left, are Eric Pedro, Dan Hennessey,
Jack Ward, Antonio Felix, and Cody Murtagh. Standing, from left, are athletic trainer Nichole Gagnon, coach Tom Donahue, coach Brian Mulvey, Matt Costanza, P.J. Hatchouel, John Gaeta, Clay Yianacopolus,
Connor Sakowich, Donald Weisse, Nick Peveri, Brady McLaughlin, Ryan Borders, Ryan Turenne, head coach Derek Dana, Jack Leonard, Head of School Grace Cotter-Regan, Brent Lozzi, Assistant Director of Athletics Joe Farrell, and Dave Giarusso.