By Cary Shuman

St. Mary’s Head of School Grace Cotter Regan (second from right) was honored at a farewell reception Nov. 29 at the Nahant Country Club. Among those thanking Ms. Regan for her outstanding leadership of the school were, from left, Board Vice Chair Betty Twomey, Enrollment Committee Chair Marnie Moore, and Board Chair William Mosakowski.
St. Mary’s High School bid farewell to Head of School Grace Cotter Regan at a celebration Nov. 29 at the Nahant Country Club.
Regan is leaving her position to become the president of Boston College High School. The esteemed administrator led the Lynn school to great heights during her tenure. She was a highly visible presence in the community and a role model for students.
The daughter of legendary Boston College High school football Jim Cotter, she grew up around sports and understood the importance of athletics in a student’s overall experience at St. Mary’s. The athletic program remains one of the most successful in the region, producing state championship teams virtually every year.
William Mosakowski, chair of the school’s board of trustees praised Regan’s ‘”boundless energy” and remarkable leadership of the school.
“We have long recognized her boundless energy; we have witnessed her attending multiple school and community events simultaneously – sometimes, astonishingly in different impeccable attire,” said Mosakowski.
“Grace has made St. Mary’s better – our alumni relations, our student community, our teacher and learning processes, our town-gown relations and our board development processes,” said Mosakowski. “She has been a consistent steward for the institution, the church, and the larger Catholic school community in the Archdiocese.
“Grace, you are a remarkable leader,” he continued. “We would have loved to have had you longer but we wish you success on Morrissey Boulevard.”
The Rev. Brian Flynn said that “in times of change we turn to God and we turn to his guidance because we are His greatest creation and we are His children.”
“Five year ago St. Mary’s was looking for a head of school and we turned to God and God sent his Grace of hearts,” said Flynn, as the audience warmly applauded his clever play on words.
State Rep. Brendan Crighton presented a citation to Regan. “Thank you so much for all you did for the school,” he said.
Regan spoke humbly about her journey to St. Mary’s and how much she enjoyed her time at the school.
“I wanted to just acknowledge everyone in this room,” said Regan. “I’m glad you’re here for St. Mary’s because St. Mary’s is really important to my heart.
She lauded “the leadership of our trustees, our incredible faculty and staff and coaches,” and noted the great relationship the school had with its parents and the excellent civic partnership that the school forged in the city of Lynn.
Grace Cotter Regan came to Lynn five years ago and in the words of Chair William Mosakowski, “She leaves us a better Catholic school than how she found us.”