At Gannon Golf Course on a sunny, warm Memorial Day morning, 11:00 AM was designated as the time to memorialize recent deceased members. Golfers respectfully suspended play during the ceremony throughout the course. Over two hundred guests, friends, and Gannon members observed this traditional service conducted by Solimine Funeral Home.
David Solimine Sr. asked everyone to take a moment and to reflect on this day to honor those who sacrificed themselves for our freedom. He continued to say, ”This is a special day to have families and friends come together to remember their special loved one. We know how much each of these past members enjoyed this community, enjoyed playing on this golf course, and enjoyed sharing stories with the extended Gannon Family. This is our time to honor them”.
A total of 19 past members were “Absent for Tee Time”. A bell was rung by Michael Phelps as Joel Solimine read each name. The list Included: Larry Gannon, Richard Trepsas, Moe Atherton, Peter Zetes, Robert DeCarlo, Tom Gratiano, Wendell Hubbard, Dick Truax, Dick Blodgett, Hazen Ward, Bruce Sacher, Beverly Lombara, Joe Jedrey, Paul Yanakakis, Joan Henri, Frank Resse, Charles Scarlata, Bruce Hamilton, and Dick Dylingowski. A plaque, flower pot, and a flag were presented to each family.
As Janet DeCarlo said, “This was an amazing tribute to my son and all those that were once members at Gannon. I would never think something like this would be so wonderful; I am deeply thankful”.
Others involved in the ceremony were Councilor-at-Large Brian Field who led the Pledge of Allegiance, the Lynn English Choral and the Lynn English ROTC JR USMC Honor Guard, Chaplain Fr. James Riley, and City of Lynn elected officials. A special thanks to Gannon Golf Course membership and staff for giving the families this moment of respect.