Special to the Journal
The City of Lynn Planning Department announces the membership of the Vision Lynn Steering Committee, which will guide the community engagement for the City’s first ever comprehensive plan, Vision Lynn. The Committee’s 34 members will assist the Planning Department in designing a robust, inclusive, year-long community conversation about Lynn’s future and ensuring the final document is consistent with the feedback collected.
The Steering Committee is predominantly made up of community members, but will also be joined by two Councilors (to be announced) and Planning Board Chair Bob Stilian. Several representatives from City staff will also participate, including Lynn Public Schools Superintendent Patrick Tutwiler, Director of Elder Services Christopher Gomez-Farewell, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator Faustina Cuevas, and representatives from the Mayor’s Office, the Economic Development and Industrial Corporation/Lynn (EDIC/Lynn), and Lynn Housing Authority and Neighborhood Development (LHAND). A full list of Steering Committee members is available below and on the project website, LynnInCommon.com/Vision-Lynn.
The Steering Committee members each bring rich connections to the community and unique perspectives. As a whole, the Committee speaks 11 languages and a majority identify as people of color. There are also representatives who are foreign-born, lifelong Lynners, members of the LGBQTIA+ community, parents, elders, youth, and residents of each ward.
Establishing the Steering Committee is the first major step in the creation of Lynn’s first comprehensive plan, which was a key priority for Former Mayor Thomas McGee from the beginning of his administration. “We have been able to put together a diverse, talented Steering Committee with deep community ties,” said McGee, “but we will need to remain focused to create a transparent and inclusive process that is open to all corners of the Lynn community.”
The Steering Committee will review progress on the creation of the plan and assist the Planning Department in maximizing community participation in the development of the plan. The Committee will not, however, be writing the plan; members will be invited to participate in the process along with the rest of the community.
“Throughout our campaign, we heard from thousands of residents about their hopes and concerns for the future of Lynn,” said Mayor Jared Nicholson. “Vision Lynn will be an important way to turn these sentiments into policy and action and ensure that City Hall is doing the work that matters most to Lynners.” Already, over 450 people have filled out the Vision Lynn kick off survey to share what they love about Lynn–natural resources and diversity were two top-cited assets–as well as what they wanted to change.
“In terms of concerns, respondents were pretty clear about what they wanted from the City: improvements to key infrastructure like streets and stormwater systems, investments in our school buildings and staff, and a government that is fiscally responsible, transparent, and reflective of the community,” said Principal Planning Director Aaron Clausen. “We hope Vision Lynn can play a role in moving key priorities like these forward.”
The survey is still open and accepting responses in eight different languages at LynnInCommon.com/Vision-Lynn. The Planning Department will be working to hire a consultant team and host a first meeting with the selected Steering Committee in January 2022; residents are encouraged to visit LynnInCommon.com for updates.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Principal Planning Director Aaron Clausen at [email protected] or 781-586-6853.
Vision Lynn Steering Committee
Bill Bochnak (Project Coordinator, EDIC/Lynn)
Bob Stilian (Chair, Planning Board)
Bruno Eusebio
Christina Luca
Christopher Gomez-Farewell (Director, Elder Services)
Cleo Hereford
Debbie Parris
Diana Cherubin
Dylan Cashman
Elizabeth Figueroa
Elizabeth Rosario (Outreach Coordinator, LHAND)
Faustina Cuevas (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator)
Gildardo Alzate
Gordon R Hall
Hugo A Carvajal
Joe Scianatico
Jonathon Feinberg
Jordan T Avery
Joseph Furnari
Josilane Santos
Kurt Lange
Lauren Hogan
Layheab Ly
Ludia Modi
Magalie Rowe
Natasha Soolkin
Patrick Tutwiler (Superintendent, Lynn Public Schools)
Sylvia Odiana
Tanveer Malik
Teri Krawitz
Tia Cole
City Councilors (To be announced)
Representative from Mayor Nicholson’s Team (To be announced)