GALA’s Next Exhibit
To the Editor,
Galleries At LynnArts (GALA) is happy to announce their next exhibit: Environmental Awakening, which will run from April 1 to May 12. The show is curated by Emmanuelle Le Gal, Stefanie Timmermann and assistant curators Nathan Hammerschmitt Le Gal and Nathanial Boyd. We asked artists to create work with a perspective on our ever changing planet. We asked them to tell us about their connection or personal vision on nature. Do they educate or advocate environmental changes? With this exhibit, we wanted to address the urgent need to live sustainably within earth’s resources.
We reached out to artists who incorporate recycled, reused or repurposed material in their art. Heather Goodwin, owner of Sea Hag Studios in Nahant, embodies that concept. “Sea Hag Studios creates art from objects that can be found where the land meets the sea. Curator Stefanie Timmermann will present a unique installation out of recycled materials. “Traditional construction and demolition of houses is currently the largest generator of landfill waste in the U.S. We need to start using sustainable building methods to ensure more equitable and affordable housing in the future. Reusing trash to construct homes is one obvious path to such sustainability – and for Environmental Awakening, an igloo-style prototype out of all the recycled milk and juice cartons donated by members of the community was built. At nearly six feet across, this dwelling is big enough to crawl inside.
Environmental Awakening is happening. As inhabitants of this planet, we have a responsibility to maintain the nest we live in. We hope this exhibit will empower visitors to develop their own solutions and become themselves advocates for sustainability.
Galleries at LynnArts