Lynn OWG seeks projects

Special to the Journal

The City of Lynn’s Opioid Working Group (OWG) is accepting applications for funding through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) released on Monday, August 19th, 2024. Through this NOFA, the City of Lynn is making up to $250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars) available to assist with supplementing and strengthening resources available to organizations serving the Lynn population affected by substance use disorder (SUD).

Applicants may apply for one-time or recurring funds to support emerging and innovative approaches to combating Lynn’s opioid crisis that aim to accelerate progress with implementable and sustainable solutions. “I am confident that making these funds available will significantly help address the challenges our community faces in regards to substance use disorder, and allow members of our community that are struggling to get the help, resources and support they need and deserve” shared Mayor Nicholson, who assembled a working group made up of community members with expertise or knowledge of SUD.

The OWG will accept applications on a rolling basis and will evaluate potential projects using a rubric adopted by members of the OWG. Scores will be judged on several criteria, including Alignment to Abatement Strategy, Project Goals, Community Collaborations, Anticipated Measurable Outcomes, Timeline and Budget.

The members of the Opioid Working Group are Sarita Ago (Mayor’s Office), Faustina Cuevas, (Mayor’s Office), Councilor Brian Field, Candice McClory (Public Health), Lt. Stacy Bjorsen (Fire Department), Mary Wheeler (Healthy Streets), Terrell Patterson (Lynn Community Health Center), Dr. Elizabeth Quinn (Lynn Community Health Center), Judge Jim LaMothe (retired), Lt. Pete Alexander (Lynn Police), Antonio Gutierrez (Lynn Youth Street Outreach and Advocacy), and Leighanne Magnarelli (Behavioral Health Unit). The NOFA is directed to organizations, both non-profit and for-profit, that are currently providing services to the members of the City of Lynn affected by substance use disorder.

“As the lead for the Opioid Working Group, we are excited for this initiative to be available for organizations that may not have been traditionally eligible for funds and give opportunities for programs to expand the services they provide to a larger demographic,” said Candice McClory, SUD Coordinator & Community Liaison for the City.

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