Author: Journal Staff

Hamas Are Terrorists, Not Freedom-Fighters

The demonstrations that have been occurring around the country, especially on college campuses, in apparent support of the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered 1400 Israelis, have been disappointing on many levels. The Hamas organization is not composed of “freedom fighters” who…

Obituaries 10-19-2023

Robert (Bob) Kodzis Life Long Entrepreuner Who Courageously Faced Down Every Challenge That Life Threw at Him Until His Last Breath After a long life filled with love and accomplishments, Robert (Bob) Kodzis, of Saugus  passed away on September 28. …

Education Comes First in Lynn

The most important gift in life is receiving an education. A new non-profit program named Education Comes First (ECF) began just over one year ago which is a separate entity from any partnerships. The first goal is raising funds to…