Category: Editorials

Letter to the Editor

We Need Your Help and Support To the Editor, Portal To Hope (PTH), the award-winning nonprofit organization serving domestic violence crime victims in Everett, Lynn, Medford, Malden, Winthrop and neighboring Massachusetts communities, is facing a 27% budget cut effective July…

An Ill Wind…

The unrelenting easterly seabreeze that has been blowing at 20-30 miles per hour 24/7 for the past five days has reminded us that “spring” is an ephemeral term for those of us who live along the Massachusetts coastline. The temperature…

We Are All Ukrainians

It is impossible to turn away from the news reports of the ongoing war in Ukraine that we see 24/7 on our televisions and computer screens. To be honest, we’ve had it with all of the other recent political, economic,…

Alcohol Is Still #1

Americans have been dying prematurely at unprecedented levels in the past two years from a number of causes. COVID-19 has taken away almost one million of our fellow Americans, with the number still rising daily for the foreseeable future. Fatal…