Category: Editorials

A Tragic and Dangerous Time

As we are writing this, the incredibly brave people and government leaders of Ukraine still are holding out against the despicable invaders from Russia. It is clear that Vladimir Putin, the criminal Russian dictator, underestimated the resolve of the Ukrainian…

What’s Old Is New

As this is being written, a huge Russian Army is standing ready and poised, at the whim of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, to invade the nation of Ukraine, potentially bringing death and devastation to Europe on a scale not seen…

Guest Op-Ed: We All Face Challenges

Dr. Glenn Mollette Everyone will face insurmountable challenges in life. The price of longevity is heartache, opposition, failures, grief and life events that come out of nowhere. Life is filled with the death of loved ones, financial ups and downs,…

We Are Numb to the Numbers

With mask requirements being lifted just about everywhere around the country, there is a general sense that the COVID-19 pandemic is over. But as we begin the third year of the pandemic, that is far from being true. The death…

A Silver Lining To Inflation

We saw a report on the news the other night about the effect that inflation is having on food prices thanks to supply chain issues that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report highlighted that inflation is taking a…