Category: Editorials

GOP’s Opposition to Rachael Rollins

The unprecedented opposition, accompanied by unprecedented vitriol, by the Republican members of the U.S. Senate to the nomination of Suffolk County District Atty. Rachael Rollins for the position of U.S. Attorney for the Massachusetts district has laid bare their driven…

Charlie Baker Will Be Missed

There has been a lot of speculation by the pundits as to the reasons behind Governor Charlie Baker’s decision not to run for re-election in 2022, but we think it comes down simply to this: Gov. Baker is burned-out, similar…

Throw the Book at Them

Another news cycle — and yet another mass shooting incident in America. The horrific murder last week of at least four students at Oxford High School in suburban Detroit and the wounding of several others by 15-year-old fellow student Ethan…

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, tracing its roots back 400 years to the Pilgrims and Indigenous People, long before there was even a thought of a United States of America. Thanksgiving is the ultimate family-centered holiday. It has no…

Enjoy the Holiday Safely

We would be remiss if we did not remind our readers to enjoy the holiday weekend, but to do so safely. The pandemic still is spreading like wildfire across our nation, claiming the lives of more than 1000 Americans each…