Category: Editorials

A Future With Masks?

There has been one positive piece of news during the otherwise tragic COVID-19 pandemic, and that is this: The number of deaths and severe illness caused by the ordinary flu is down dramatically from a typical flu season. Epidemiologists credit…

An unfathomable number

When COVID-19 first came into our national consciousness more than a year ago, it was just a blip on the news. The prospect that a viral bug originating halfway around the world would alter every aspect of our lives seemed inconceivable. And…

Use Common Sense When Driving

Perusing through the police reports these days makes it apparent that the winter season is here — and with it, the usual array of traffic incidents and accidents. Although we have not had any of the big blizzard-type of winter…

A North Pole Hurricane

Residents in Texas and along the Gulf Coast have become accustomed in recent years to a seemingly-endless onslaught of devastating hurricanes barreling up from the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Harvey a few years ago dumped more rain and caused more flooding…

Letter to the Editor

Vaccinate the Postal Workers Dear Governor Baker, We, the undersigned members of the Massachusetts General Court, are writing to respectfully request that you prioritize United States Postal Service workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, as recommended by the CDC’s national…

Minimum Wage Should Be at $15

In 1971, the minimum wage across the United States, as mandated by federal law, was $1.60. Today, the federal minimum stands at $7.25. One might look at those two numbers and think that because the minimum wage has increased by…

Oregon Leads The Way On Drugs

For more than 50 years, America has been fighting the “war on drugs,” an endeavor that began under the administration of President Richard M. Nixon, who had the avowed purpose of arresting and incarcerating as many Blacks and other minorities as possible, especially…

The Days are Getting Longer

Amidst our winter of discontent, there is some good news on the horizon (literally): The days are getting longer. As this is being written, we will have passed the first full month of the astronomical winter (which starts on December…