Category: Editorials

The True Spirit of Christmas

The Christmas season usually is the most wonderful time of the year. But Christmas, 2020, is anything but wonderful. We are undergoing a degree of hardship unlike any that we have experienced in our lifetime. More Americans are dying each…

The Virus Is in Our Homes

We now are fully amidst the holiday season. Hanukkah is here and the Christmas and New Year’s holiday week is fast-approaching. Public health officials at all levels of government have been warning us for months that we must change our…

Thank You, Gov. Baker

We’d like to take a moment to express our appreciation to Gov. Charlie Baker, who has demonstrated incredible leadership during the past nine months of a crisis that is unprecedented in our state’s history. Day-after-day, Gov. Baker has confronted a…

Remember the Needy

We saw a statistic the other day that was absolutely mind-numbing: 18% of all Americans, and 24% of American children, do not have enough to eat on a daily basis. We mention this because during this Christmas season, when many…

Happy Hanukkah

The eight-day observance of Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, gets underway this Thursday, December 10, and will culminate next Friday, December 18. In summary, Hanukkah commemorates the victory of the Maccabees — a group of fierce warriors who used…

Pearl Harbor Was 79 Years Ago

It was 79 years ago this week — December 7 — that the nation of Japan launched its attack on Pearl Harbor. The very next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt convened a joint session of Congress in which he famously…