Category: Editorials

Thank Goodness For Dr. Fauci

Watching the daily press briefings of the White House Task Force on the current corona virus crisis, we know we speak for all Americans in being thankful for the calming and professional presence of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has served…

Thanks for the Memories, Tom

For the past 20 years, there has been no public figure in New England who has been more well-known, and more idolized, than Tom Brady. Regardless of whether you are a football fan, male or female, young or old, everyone…

Letter to the Editor

Support Your Fellow Chamber Members and Small Business Community Dear Chamber of Commerce Members, I hope you and your staff are all staying safe and healthy in these troubling times. I’m sure as a small business owner yourself, you have…

March Is Weather Purgatory

With the promise of winter coming to an end and spring just around the corner, we have high hopes for March. The crocuses start to pop through the ground and the sun is noticeably stronger and warmer. There also is a…

Guest Op-ed: Pleasing People?

By Dr. Glenn Mollette Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Donald Trump and all the presidential candidates want to please enough of the American people to win. When it comes time for Americans to vote, a candidate wants to please the majority…