Category: Editorials

Letter to the Editor

Stop Smoking Now Dear Editor,  February is American Heart Month.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is a leading cause of heart disease. Smoking can lead to the narrowing of blood vessels and high blood pressure…

Traffic, Traffic Everywhere

A recent national report confirmed what those of us in the Greater Boston area have known all-too-well for all-too-long: That by some measures, traffic congestion on our metropolitan roadways is the worst in the entire nation and among the worst…

Green New Deal Is a Good Deal

The growing movement for the federal government to take the lead in effecting policies that will negate the effects of both economic inequality and climate change has been incorporated into what is being referred to as the Green New Deal.…

Job Fair For Encore

One of the largest job fairs for a single company will be happening over the next few months and local residents are encouraged to apply for a position.  Encore, Boston Harbor, is seeking to hire 5,000 people to staff the…

Immigrants Are Our Future

It is an undeniable fact of history that all Americans other than Native Americans are descendants of immigrants. It also is undeniably true that immigrants have not always been welcome with open arms, starting most conspicuously with the Know-Nothing Party…

Thank You, Bob Deleo

It’s hard to believe that it has been 10 years since Winthrop/Revere State Rep. Bob DeLeo was elected the Speaker of the House by his colleagues. (Yes, time flies.) We wish to make note of the 10th anniversary of Speaker…

Thank You, Jay Ash

When Gov. Charlie Baker was elected to his first term of office four years ago, his first major announcement was the appointment of Jay Ash to the post of Secretary of Housing and Economic Development. The announcement by Gov. Baker,…

So Far….So Good

With the rush and hub-bub of the holiday season now over, we’ll all be settling in for another long New England winter. Up to this point, we have been fortunate. We have yet to feel the wrath of any truly…