Category: Editorials

Enjoy the Holiday Season

This is a wonderful time of the year, to paraphrase the song, with holiday music playing in the malls and on our car radios, resurrecting our earliest childhood memories — even for the younger set — of Christmases-past. We choose…

Remember Those Less Fortunate

With Christmas just two weeks away, most of us will be rushing about — either to the stores and malls or online — as we do our last-minute holiday shopping in hopes of finding that “perfect” gift for our family…

Enjoy the Holidays — Safely

With the Christmas season in full swing, there will be the usual office, family, and neighborhood parties for all of us to partake and enjoy. By no means do we wish to cast negative thoughts or to be party-Scrooges, but…

Enjoy the Holiday Season

This is a wonderful time of the year, to paraphrase the song, with holiday music playing in the malls and on our car radios, resurrecting our earliest childhood memories — even for the younger set — of Christmases-past. We choose…

Letter to the Editor

STOP SMOKING AND VAPING HELP AVAILABLE Dear Editor,            This Holiday season, I’d like to remind readers to thank a co-worker, friend or family member who has quit smoking, vaping, or using other nicotine delivery products. Many users say quitting is…

Climate Change is Happening Now

The report released last Friday by 13 U.S. government agencies concurring in an assessment that the effects of climate change will result in a 10 percent decline in the U.S. gross national product and the loss of $1 trillion in…

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, tracing its roots back almost 400 years to the Pilgrims, long before there was even a thought of a United States of America. Thanksgiving is the ultimate family-centered holiday. It has no national-celebration connotations,…