Category: Editorials

A Remarkable Turnaround

The report released this past weekend by the environmental advocacy group Save the Harbor/Save the Bay (SH/SB) rating the water quality of the beaches in the Metropolitan Boston area once again shows that Massachusetts is a nationwide leader in providing…

Help End Distracted Driving

Glancing at that new text message on your phone. Scrolling through satellite radio stations to find the right song. Adjusting your GPS to find a new route.  Any of these activities momentarily takes your attention away from driving – you…

Memorial Day Is A Time for Reflection

The Memorial Day weekend is upon us, a three-day weekend that for most Americans marks the start of the summer season. Many will celebrate appropriately with barbecues and outdoor activities with family and friends. However, amidst our festivities, we should…

Taking Care of Our Veterans

The recent announcement by Gov. Charlie Baker that the state has secured approximately $70 million in federal funding for the new, 154-bed Community Living Center at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home assures that this much-needed and important project will go forward.…

Is April the New January?

When the meteorologists had compiled their weather statistics for the months of February and March, they informed us that for the second straight year, February actually was warmer than March. This pronouncement led the pundits to ponder whether, “March is…

Barbara Bush

Barbara Bush, who passed away this week at the age of 92, was both a throwback to a time when a woman was expected to sacrifice her career for her husband and family and a trailblazer for the manner in…